OT Other things to do during the quarantine

That’s the solution I came to when I first started with prostate issues (well before the cancer)


@jcostiones, @Harters, and last but not least, @Auspicious, would you please have a good talking to the H for me??

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This is by far the worst case situation and with proper timing, aiming and execution it goes off without a hitch.

This really is TMI here. I always had some of you pictured one way. And now, well…

It’s like this guy on another board I used to hang out on.
Come to find out he picked his nose.

TMI is TMI sometimes.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hey, there’s a war on. This is no time to get the squeams. :laughing:


That route is always going to be a disappointment. I remember years back, when I was working in procurement, I spoke regularly to one small floor coverings supplier. The admin woman had one of those deep, husky, sultry voices and, yes, I formed an opinion of how she must look. So wrong, Harters, so wrong. As I discovered when I needed to visit one day.

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Sure. Video teleconference with PowerPoint slides work for you?

Agreed. I had pictured John as a tall rail-thin Brit in a tweed jacket rambling about the moors with a small dog. Perhaps a pipe. He disabused me of that notion.

For @Miss_belle here is a picture: http://skolnick.org/images/daveflag.jpg . I’m currently sporting a quite white beard but that may have to go for mask fit.


Short and fat, I’m afraid. As evidenced by this photo - me at Fugitive’s Drift Lodge in South Africa last year. The small mountain in the far background is Isandlwana - site of the fateful battle between British troops and Zulu infantry on 22 January 1879.



Yes, indeed, it IS war, and we are all in the trenches! Not to pick on @Miss_belle though, of course.


Enjoyed the pics! I need to get some “work” done 1st, before posting :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hmmm, need to think of something a little more subtle than PP - ha ha!

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My Coronavirus question of the day:

How can Dollar Tree–where everything is… A $1; have tissue & TP shipments arrive at stores like clockwork, each Monday? But the three largest national drug store chains–mandated to protect customer’s health and hygene can’t even get a carton of either for the past three weeks?



An excellent question!

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My hypothesis would be as follows: large chain stores have contractural obligations on the brands and sizes of the products they sell. You may say; I’m going to Dollar General for toilet paper and sure enough they have it. If you wanted charmin double ply 4 pack, you are completely up to the luck of the draw. Since most dollar stores receive inventory from over or expiring (obviously not as much with paper products) stock they don’t care as much what brand they are selling as long as it’s wholesale price meets their price point(s).

The old quality vs quantity if you expect specific brands go to big name store, you just need to wipe your a$$ now, Dollar General has you covered!


Being that things will never be the same going forward, I’ll be able to adjust to a $1 four pack of TP…
(oh, wait. I already have).


A related discussion has been running in the UK. Non-chain convenience stores (we often call them “corner shops”, as traditionally they were located on street corners in urban areas) will have different supply lines to the big chain supermarkets. As such, they have been reported as having stocks when the supermarkets haven’t. Unfortunately, the two convenience stores near me are both chain owned so I’ve not been able to test this out. But nobody seems to have eggs this week!

What I don’t understand is why, if the paper mills have remained open (which is the case, based on what I’ve read) THERE IS STILL NO T.P. Or paper towels.

Just read that there should be TP in stores by next week or before.

Good to know. Thankfully I have plenty right now, but if it’s stocked and there’s a limit, maybe things will ‘normalize’ in that department.

It is bound to be the relatively simple matters of the supply chain taking time to replenish stocks. And time it takes for manufacturers being able to meet the much higher demand from their customers. And that’s leaving aside any continuing change in the public’s buying habits. Restocking after any “panic buying” is bound to be a gradual process.

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