Online food ordering

Hi Y’all. Working on school project on Online Food Ordering. We would really appreciate it if you could fill this survey to help us.

Completed but with some difficulty. Not all answers are, in reality, as straightforward as the available response options.

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Did it too. Do you mind telling us a bit more about your school project?

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Agree with the others. Some answers didn’t seem to offer the right choices and no option for comments.

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Poor surveys lead to poor results. This is the scientific method. I don’t respond to bad surveys.

Oh please. Help the kid out or don’t.

Bad science is bad science. The kid won’t learn if allowed to think s/he is doing something useful when it is not.

I gave up. Most options weren’t what I would answer. Also thot it was about ordering food online not take out and restaurant deliveries.

I am guessing (and hopeful) that the OP has finished their school project within the last 3 years :wink:

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