NY Times: Nashville’s big Kurdish community has fallen hard for football, and parking-lot feasts that feature biryani but no alcohol


The spread at these tailgates includes Kurdish dishes like, from left, biryani; kutilk, rice-crusted fritters; a cucumber-tomato salad; and eprax, stuffed grape leaves.Credit…William DeShazer for The New York Times


Next to a table laden with hamburgers and hot dogs was another buffet set up with Kurdish dishes — biryani flecked with vermicelli, carrots, peas and noodle-like strips of chicken; cucumber and tomato salad; kutilk, eye-shaped fritters filled with chicken and crusted with a thick layer of rice; and eprax, stuffed grape leaves nestled in a pot of rice with silken pieces of cabbage.


Hardly a surprise that there was no alcohol.

By the by, is there any particular reason why these refugees have settled in Nashville? Was there a longstanding Kurdish community there already?

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Thanks for that. Interesting article. Evidence there that refugees want to settle where there’s already a community. FWIW, my metro region is home to about 5000 Kurds.

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