Northern Italy drought threatens olive oil, risotto rice and passata supplies


Terrible news: risotto will become more expensive!

But seriously, it’s a major threat to their annual crops and hence their income. It’s one of my favourite areas to holiday in.

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And wine. I went to a tasting Tuesday and the winemaker said that they’ve had no rain in months.


Got back from 3 months in Emilia Romagna July 12. A little early for passate, but the best brand is Mutti, hower from a friend who worked in the processing plant: Both Mutti and Conad supermarket brand don’t allow tomatoes to be picked after a rain until they are dry, and we did have a huge but brief storm last week. Mayor of our town said it was the first “Tromba d’aria” in a hundred years. Carnaroli rice is even creamier than arborio and makes great rice pudding as well.