NJ Food News

There is YET. ANOTHER. new restaurant inside The Berkeley Hotel in AP. Azure.
How do I know? I happened to spot the sign. I think there have been at least 5 places there in the (almost) 9 years I’ve lived here. And I must say the website doesn’t entice me to get there.

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Oh my, sounds like the type of place I will steer clear of.

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Here’s what was on offer at Spinelli’s today:


This sounds great

I saw that yesterday… Fun dip for adults! :rofl:

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Just gonna drop this here. I suspect @joonjoon had something to do with it, but I have no proof.

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Weirdish list.

Glad pizzeria lucci got a nod. I need to get there.

Seafarer is a tiki bar with a food truck.

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Totally useless & clueless article, Seafarer is fun but it is a bar with food trucks. I love the place but a food destination?. Who wrote this someone from Boston.

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Anyone familiar with the new group?

Looks like they run Centrada in Red Bank.

Wow - that’s big news.

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Yeah never works out well when these things happen (what’s your beef cough cough)


Great post about Ram and Rooster in Metuchen. Methinks @joonjoon will enjoy this!

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Wow a 130$ tasting menu in Metuchen? What a time to be alive!


I still have to laugh about the quote when they first announced they were taking over the Catch 19 spot In Red Bank Green which was “seafood is, unfortunately, one of the most boring restaurants there is,” said DiLeo.

I also thought the food at Centrada was awful the one time I went.

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That place went to shit fast once they moved spots and the fabled Mexican or Cuban place they said would open never did. Wish them best of luck but prob won’t be heading there anytime soon

Re: Ram and Rooster
First time I sampled Chef Sean Yan cuisine was when he was a pastry chef at Heirloom Kitchen.
Would see his face on the few occasions I would go to HK. Last time I went maybe 2 years ago We sat at the chefs table and he was heading things up that day and I was able to chat him up. He talked about the Ram and Rooster project. His intentions are to promote the idea of Chinese Cuisine as Gourmet Cuisine. Historically and culturally, chinese restaurants in the USA are depicted as budget friendly quick reliable meals that are dismissed as pedestrian , cookie cutter and “unimportant”
If you ever tried to cook some basic dishes and succedded in making it taste authentic you would understand the techniques are difficult and the sourcing of authentic ingredients also not easy.
Hopefully the Ram and Rooster can elevate the generalized perception of Chinese Cuisine and also inspire other restaurants to display the higher end of what it can offer. I have reservations on the chefs table in middle of August and looking forward with enthusism to seeing if Chef Seans vision has panned out.
Will report with pictures!


Awesome! And believe me - as a lover of (good) Chinese food, I’m thrilled to see a place like this opened by such a talented chef! The one thing I’ve missed the most about NNJ are my favorite Szechuan places. Can’t wait to hear about your meal!