New Year's Resolutions 2020! Meet more foodies in San Francisco, CA :)

Happy New Year foodie friends! For 2020, my foodie resolutions include:

  1. Meet more foodies in person! πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ
  2. Be more active in posting recommendations on where to eat :face_with_monocle:
  3. Eat all the good food :yum:

If you live in the SF Bay Area and want to meet up, feel free to message me on @sfeeeeeats on Instagram! If you don’t live here, feel free to hit me up anyways, I travel a ton and have solid recommendations :muscle:

Do you have a foodie IG account? Comment with your handle and I’ll follow you… got to keep ourselves accountable for the new year :raised_hands:


I used to live in Seattle and made lifelong friends from our dining adventures. That most decidedly did not happen when I moved to SF at the end of 2004. Very big difference in temperaments between Seattle and SF (I guess??). CH meetups have not worked out AT ALL (one reason: big egos/one-upsmanship that preclude having a fun time). In any case, would love to meet up with you. My Insta acct is @plastic_atomic.


My insta is @get_a_kliu I do a lot of home cooking (as well as checking out interesting restaurants)!

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