New trend in France...AYCE buffets?

From this week’s New Yorker:

No gift links at the NYer, but here are the places discussed. Les Grands Buffets looks very Las Vegas-y.


Although I don’t have a subscription, I was able to read The New Yorker article, ignoring the request to enroll. What an interesting piece of writing - I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for posting this.

Thank you for sharing this! I was able to read quite a bit as well, although New Yorker articles are so long, there may be some I didn’t see.

Here it sounds like only the New Yorker has heard of it.


Thanks so much for posting that. I fully enjoyed the article and though I tend to dislike buffets and usually avoid them, I’d go to this one just to try all the dishes I’ve heard of and have never had the chance to try.

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Not as hip or vocabulary rich as the NYer, but I’ve known about it for a year thanks to You Tube.

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I’ve heard of this before as well, as it has been featured many times in France. As the article notes, it is not new (and buffets a volonte. as they noted, have been around a while, usually Asian of dubious quality). I’ve never been, although I did stay outside of Narbonne and enjoyed the city. The initial description didn’t seem appealing at all when I stayed in the area. This description makes it actually seem enticing… 111 types of cheese, a table of fois gras… serrano ham… patisserie… individual dishes on order. The owner seems like quite a character.