My Mom's French Dressing…

Growing up… I loved this in a well of a cottage cheese scoop. Also with a cucumber/tomato salad. I just recently discovered this in one of her indexed card based recipe books and thought I’d share it with you.

85g ketchup
60g sugar
60g red wine vinegar
100g olive oil
2 cloves garlic (minced)
Freshly cracked black pepper (course)

I am very happy with just the above, but you can add any of the following to enhance the flavors you are looking for…

Other Seasonings to Try (use up to four):
1/2 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon dried mustard
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon paprika
Salt to taste


I, too, like this sweet French dressing - in the summer when I have good tomatoes I like to core a whole one, cut it into wedges but still connected, put a scoop of cottage cheese in the middle and drizzle the whole thing with this dressing. And on a tomato/cucumber salad!