Multicultural Cities

LOL. It was a student tour. We went to a place called the Old Eden Saloon. I don’t think it was quite what the parents had in mind, but we were combined with a college-age group, so we saw some things ….
The hotel we stayed in was called the Sachsenhof. I see it’s still standing; hopefully rehabbed from the era we were there. :joy:

First time I’d ever seen a boot of beer :beers:

2 movies re: Berlin that I loved
The Lives of Others

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The Third Man is the classic Berlin film.

For a more modern one (though still set in 1989 in divided Berlin) is Atomic Blonde, a pretty great action spy film starring Charlize Theron. Directed by one of the stunt directors from the John Wick films, so the action is intense and amazing.

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Renting that!

That would be Vienna AFAIK.

It drives me nuts when there is no congruity with the actual layout of the city when movies are set in Berlin. Even “Lola rennt” is guilty of that.


I am familiar with Run Lola Run, which pops up when I search Lola rennt, but I don’t understand what rennt means. Is that German?

Yes, that is the original title of the movie in German: Lola rennt. It means Lola runs.

Imagine her being filmed near Columbus Circle running, and the next moment she’s in Battery Park :roll_eyes:


Sonnenallee was cute, but I thought Goodbye Lenin was more poignant. Great scene when the statue is lifted.

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You are quite correct. I mixed up my sophisticated German-speaking cities…

This happens in just about every film. It happens in NYC ALL the time and with London it can be even more ridiculous (given the size).

Glad you pointed out the Vienna of The Third Man and also brought up Lola rennt which I was going to say felt more like a classic Berlin film. I was also going to bring up Victoria (2015) which would at least hold locational integrity given it is one take. :slight_smile:

That was a great film (Victoria)!

We also really enjoyed 4 Blocks on Netflix about a Lebanese drug cartel in Neukölln.


I woke up this morning singing “The Politics of Dancing,” which is part of the soundtrack of that movie. The spacetime continuum at work!


One season of 24 was set in New York, and during a car chase scene Jack Bauer is terribly frustrated to have “lost them in the Delancey underpass.” I’ve lived within spitting distance of Delancey Street for nearly 20 years yet have never seen nor heard of this underpass.


I absolutely loved the Netflix series Lupin (brilliantly written and acted) but the logistics of the show drive me bananas. I knew where most of the locations that were mentioned are located, but any similarity between the locations and the way they are mentioned in terms of distance and travel time is fantasy.


I will check them out. When we crossed through Checkpont Charlie, the Eastern side of the city looked almost as if the war had ended just the day before, not 20 years. Lots of rubble still.


Accurate :smile:


I went to college in Chicago. And I had a car. And I never once drove on Lower Wacker Drive. The S curve on Lake Shore Drive was adventure enough …
That clip had me howling.


Anything and everything to help the Penguin :penguin::grinning:


RIP Bluesmobile.


This reminds me of a story that someone told me a long time ago. I was in Berlin June of 2008. I remember the time very well as it was right before the GFC.

I was having dinner with several German businessman. They began telling stories about what they were doing when the wall came down. The story that stuck with me most was by one of the guys who said he had recently graduated from school at the time. He said he and a buddy got into his VW van and decided to go to Berlin. No one stopped them at the border and they just drove on. Entered Berlin one afternoon. There were no police or army to stop them from driving around. They basically drove all around town until they came to the Reichstag which was basically abandoned at that point. So he and his buddy pulled up and parked right in front. Built a fire and camped in the drive over night. The image I had in my mind of two guys in front of the Reichstag grilling sausages over a fire is just so crazy. The fearlessness and exuberance of youth.