[Mountain View CA] Kumino, a restaurant that's a bit hard to categorize

Oh no, I’m sorry to see this! Would have loved to have that eggplant dish again before they closed…
Hope they really are looking for a new location & that it’s midpeninsula. Will try to do their email thing for updates.

My guess is that their lease is up since the restaurant I believed opened 2 years ago in October. With the previous struggling grocer out and Safeway in, my guess is that foot traffic for the mall is up and the landlord may be raising their rent.

I signed up for the updates too. And despite having eaten there a bunch of times I still haven’t eaten the eggplant dish!

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Truly hope you’re right & they will reopen in a new & better spot. It was always busy so I don’t think lack of business was the problem. Maybe he decided to go back to “fine dining” a la Manresa?

Wasn’t rent. Rather its the restaurant being too small. I was told that the new restaurant will still be in the South Bay

Yes, it was a tiny space! Hope they find a good spot & continue to make interesting food…

3 posts were split to a new topic: [Mountain View, CA] Chang’An Artisan Noodle

Great news! I messaged Kumino months ago to ask them about their reopening plans and finally the chef said they are almost ready. They will reopen as Kumino.China at 19634 Stevens Creek in Cupertino, in the same mall as Liang’s Village.

They will soft open in early October with a different menu. I found their website later and looks like they keep some of the popular items and add a few new ones. Really looking forward to it.


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Thanks for the update, looking forward to trying it! Uni chawanmushi!!!

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They just opened today!


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Just looked at the menu again: noticed the whole duck is $96. Really curious about such a high price… Want to try the place, especially still want the Uni Chawanmushi!!! Sounds delish to me.

But compared to The Morris’ duck at $120, its actually cheaper…!