More Chowhound Shenanigans

I think they want to be Food 52, where there are “members” and it’s a clubby atmosphere, but the focus is on Food 52’s features, recipes, and content, and all discussion is filtered through those.

Yes, like Serious Eats was before they dumped the forums. Except I don’t know what kind of staff they have left doing articles of any kind at Chowhound these days - all those recipes seem to be the work of long-gone staffers.

I think from a profit and loss standpoint they felt they reached a point of critical mass, where they had accumulated enough content over the years that just recycling it was cheaper and easier than the cost of gathering new.


That post on “How did the redesign go? Is the site more profitable?” seems to have gone missing. ::::Poof!:::: Into the ether.

The Car Talk model. Even when I listen I can’t remember which brother died.
Kinda’ creepy listening to a dead man laugh.


Gotta say that all the site issues at CH make me wonder if it isn’t really being run by the 400 lb guy sitting on his bed in New Jersey. Maybe NotJr could check that out?

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Hey!! Even at my largest I was only a 335 lb guy!!!


There is almost nobody from Québec, or Ontario (especially nearby Eastern Ontario - Ottawa is a large city now). I don’t know what it would take.

Now that you mention it, I hear this guy is looking for a job:


Ouch…sad but true. I honestly wonder what went wrong with his “lap band” / gastric bypass surgery that he had. He had some initial results but that was short lived, do they sometimes not work or was it strictly his continued over eating that caused the failure?

Who is he, please?

The American flag in the background suggests politician to me - but that’s just a guess, as I know the flag can pop up pretty much anywhere.

Former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie.

@Harters - he’s the current governor of the State of New Jersey, Chris Christie.

He was instrumental in a HUGE politically-motivated traffic snarl near the George Washington Bridge (one of the major access points from NJ into NYC). Called “Bridgegate”, “a staff member and political appointees of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie colluded to create traffic jams in Fort Lee, New Jersey, by closing lanes at the main toll plaza (two of three lanes were closed).”

Bridgegate started on a Monday, and ended on a Friday. Back-ups and gridlock on local streets were horrendous. It was national news for days. Supposedly Christie demanded the closing of the toll plaza in retribution for the Mayor of Fort Lee, NJ, not endorsing him for his reelection bid.

In addition, Christie didn’t support PEOTUS Pumpkin before he did support him - hoping for an appointment to the Cabinet, I’m sure. The Pumpkin didn’t give him one - essentially dangling him like a puppet on a string until he cut him loose.


Gastric bypass surgery (any of the many types) makes your stomach much smaller, which increases weight loss by not allowing you to eat very much at one time. However, you can expand that portion of the stomach if you continue to eat more. It’s not a panacea, you have to work for it to last, and sadly, many people can’t keep up the hard work.

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That was my general understanding, I didn’t know if there were some medical reasons why it might fail outside of a persons lack of commitment to dietary changes.

Thanks Sunshine & Linda.

Had to Google the Pumpkin reference. Love it! Now I don’t know if language crosses the The Pond - but British childish slang for a fart, is a trump. Sometimes, you win, sometimes…


This one is still there :dizzy_face:

(that irritating “keep scrolling” thing… “Hide Elements” ABP add-on has stopped working because of Firefox, it can’t block new things but it still blocks all the things I’ve selected before that. I have to find another alternative now.)

This one is long gone

Besides the ABP element remover, I also use this one if I need more firepower: Yet Another Remove it Permanently. I definitely have many elements blocked by both to be able to look at the Chowhound site at all.

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I’m amazed that that usage didn’t make it to Manhattan during the presidential campaign. I would have thought Trumpkin to be widely used, too, but it wasn’t. I doubt that a broad enough spectrum of the American voting public is familiar with Narnia characters for that to have been a precluding reason.

It appears that Christie got both his just deserts and more desserts than post-bypass patients should.


Thanks! I will check it out.