More Chowhound Shenanigans

Thanks! That’s sure to be useful to lots of folks. I’m not on Facebook, both for the reason you mention and because I don’t care that much about what my friends had for breakfast.


Dinner :stuck_out_tongue:

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~~ waving ~~


If there were a way for me to contribute to a Facebook page without joining Facebook, I’d be happy to. (Not that I was ever a participant in any What’s for Dinner threads - just not my thing.) But I have so many time sucks already, I can’t make room for another one.

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I reported a spam post and got an e-mail from the moderators, asking why I thought it was spam. The poster has three posts, all written like little articles, and all with links to their webpage. No other participation.

Though I do recommend following the “I’m hungry and I can’t cook” thread. Someone posts on it about twice a day - it’s ridiculous and I think people are having fun with it.

And small_h - I was never in the WFD threads either, but ended up in the Facebook group and I love it.


At this point, CH will take ANY hits they can - so a spam post and links to outside blogs are probably welcome.


Every single spam post I’ve reported over the last month (about 10) has been deleted. Like NonnieMuss, I did get one note - a pretty snotty note, actually - asking why I thought a particular post was spam (I’d flagged it twice, because it was so very spammy). A day later, I got another note saying the moderators now agreed with me, and the post was gone.

Is Marissy(?) still there as the head moderator? While I know she was very disliked by most, I never had a problem with her myself. I think she just got the job at a very bad time and was just “doing her job” which was to alienate the long time members. Just my $ .02

It’s “Marssy”, a spelling which annoys me sufficiently that she had two strikes against her before she even took the reins. Her response to my “I quit” e-mail, 18 mos ago, was to suspend me. I never replied, and have no idea if she’s still there.

Her last post was a month ago. Make of that what you will.

I posted a link to a Yelp page when a new poster asked for a rec. and got this email. Looks like they’re adding some functionality, though a Yelp link gets you to the map on the review page anyway)

Those maps are pretty much the dictionary definition of “good idea, bad execution.” In a perfect world (i.e, one designed by me), clicking on a restaurant marker would bring you to a) the restaurant’s website or b) a search page of Chowhound posts that mention the restaurant. Instead, you get…the restaurant’s address. It’s now incumbent upon you to do the rest of the heavy lifting: menu, phone number, reservation link, directions. If I have to look up all that on my own, it’s likely I’ll come across the address anyway. I suppose if your only question is “which of the restaurants I mentioned is closest to my house?” the map is of some use to you. But under what other circumstance is it an improvement over googling the name of the restaurant?


The note I got was pretty snotty too. They do (slowly and eventually) remove the spam, but the ones they choose to leave up baffle me.

I felt bad for Marssy too at the beginning, til she got into shill posts and deleting things at random.


I find the moderation to be pretty consistent before and after the change* except for the new regime’s propensity to lock threads, which has gotten sort of hilarious. “We’re not talking about that anymore. Or this. That either. Just shut up already. Stop posting. No, keep posting, just don’t post any questions we don’t feel like answering.”

*Chowopause? Chow-o-PAWS? Because hounds have paws? Get it? Get it? (I’ll see myself out.)


I posted this on another thread earlier today…

I found the indirect reference of what we are doing here quite flattering.


I got a chuckle out of it myself!

I always want to know what my friends had for breakfast. Seriously. th e only thing I like better is when people break up on FB. :slight_smile:


With all the political crap of late, I wish people were posting pics of their food.


Time suck is right :unamused:

TBH, I can barely keep up with the posts in my WFD group over on FB. Hard to believe some of our members have full-time jobs!

But they’re a fun crowd and many have become (not just Fb) friends.

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