More Chowhound Shenanigans

So I went to CH and disabled AdBlock Plus. Man, that site is ugly with ABP, without it, it’s a hot mess. Anyway, as soon as I removed ABP I got the survey. I was underwhelmed. Two questions that are essentially trying to confirm 3+ months of feedback and one asking my age group.

I did notice NAF hasn’t had a new comment in 2 days, but the Philadelphia “community” is hanging in there.


I wish the Philly pholk would join the dark side :sunglasses:

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It looks like a few have dipped in their toes, but they’re not ready to jump in. Maybe we need another cheesesteak or pizza topic?

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I was intrigued when I read about the survey and went to over right away so I could participate. I checked CH multiple times a day, kept the window open, etc. and was so disappointed I didn’t see the survey pop up.

I finally cleared the CH cookies and there it was :smile: I so hope they read the wall of text I put in when it asked me for justification for my low rating.

The survey asked me to list only one thing that would improve my experience. I gave them several…oops!

I’m not sure if clearing the cookies triggered the survey or if it was just a coincidence, but may worth a shot if you haven’t gotten the survey.


Yes, same for me with the NY State/CT pholk!

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Then compel them to want to. Our old friends and neighbors have peeked behind the curtains here, they’re just trying to figure out if they like what they see. We need to develop the view. Frankly, this goes for not only you and lingua, but for me, and for NJr, and - for all of us.

Sampson set up something pretty damn cool here. Maybe some migrated to this refuge as a last resort, but most of us came because we recognized the potential to grow something healthy and delicious - something sweeter and more “ours” than the fillings of the dusty cans on those now overly formulated racks. Consequently, there’s a great deal of knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and talent in our ranks. Now it’s time to build upon these foundations.

It’s time to go out and explore. Time to roll up sleeves and experiment. Time to change hats and invent. Most importantly, it’s time to report back. CH’s archive is an amazing accomplishment, but the volumes in that library were penned by us - they’re our names listed in the card catalogue. Going forward, however, the crucial thing to remember is simple - Content Counts.

If you want to attract more old 'hounds to our improved playground, we need to make it obvious that this is where the ideals of the old manifesto came to thrive. That Hungry Onion is the true bastion of the sauce-stained-pocket-protecter wearing food geeks, the Quixotic seekers of the holy gravy, the bannermen of the foie column. In other words, if you bake it, they will come.

(I’ll put down my pom-poms for now, but I can’t promise that I’ll pack 'em away until I read Leff’s first HO post.)


Hopefully not.

Let’s please try and stay in the real world we occupy. It’s more, erm, real. And much more fun than sitting there tossing insults at folk with other soubriquets.


John The Foody

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Please, no.


I liked your pom poms! I actually feel a bit intimidated to post here… I’ll get over it!!!

You should see me in the short skirt.

Kidding aside, Im sure your contributions will be greatly welcomed.

Hi, MZ:

Oooh, what a delicious thought–Leff “sussing out” all the good stuff here. It would be evidence that he practices what he preaches. Personally, I don’t think he has it in him to set aside his celeb emeritus status (the Dick Cheney of Chowhound?).


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Separated by a common language?

Back on the CH survey…

This showed up in a Feedback question about how many times you should respond to it:

patsully about 18 hours ago

Hi hairylegs,

You should only see the site survey once per device, so we’ll look into this.

Please answer the survey only once as duplicate responses are not counted. Thanks for your patience."

I haven’t had much time to check in the lady couple of days but just noticed that the CH Site Feedback topic traffic had slowed markedly. So… I check here and find the same thing. Have we been shamed into ending the dialogue about that debacle?

I think its more of a case where people who left CH have just moved on.


But how many more times can you go over what went wrong? It’s done. We have this site now.

Time to move on.


I head over there just to see what’s doing. Old habits die hard!!

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Well, personally I make my own decisions about when something is no longer worth my time. It just seemed interesting that the ‘traffic’ came to a stop so abruptly both here and there over the same weekend. Maybe that conclusion is premature. It was just striking to me, especially right after posts here seeming to suggest that there’s something about continuing to comment that can negatively impact HO. Don’t we have the capacity to both comment AND grow HO?

You are, of course, free to continue lamenting the downfall of CH. I don’t think anyone is trying to shame you into not doing so.

But you’ll also have to accept that other people feel differently. And have moved on. Which is why you notice the slower traffic in these topics.

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I didn’t think I was disagreeing with either of those points. BTW, the word ‘lamenting’’ is not one I would use about this. For me that mess is more of a Harvard Business School study subject than something that requires a box of tissue.