McCormick futzes with its containers

The spice company is retooling, because apparently we can’t be trusted to replace screw-on caps properly. Too bad they didn’t return to recyclable glass jars. They are also printing “best by” dates on the caps, just when the food manufacturing industry is acknowledging that dating is superfluous.


Wow After all these years . Maybe this explains why people wont use their turn signal when turning or making a lane change.

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I used to use McCormick almost exclusively then i started ordering spices from Spice House out of Chicago. You get a good sized (usually 1-3 ounces) matched size glass containers that are stackable and look good. Plus you can order refill flat packs for a good price.
Though McCormick might be a bit less expensive, admittedly. And Badia is priced better.
So my spice selection is a mess.


Many years ago I had some unpleasant dealings with some McCormick’s employees (not related to the company) and I vowed never to use McCormick’s spices again. It took a few years to rotate my stock, but my spice cabinets have been McCormick free for decades. Ordered a lot of Penzey’s during the stay-home pandemic times. There is life after McCormick.


Now THAT is a proper spice rack/cabinet!
I think the Penzey family owned Spice House way back in the day. I hope Spice House is still good with their new ownership. I like them but i am not the most discerning cook.
Love the J.O.!


Well, if nothing else, McCormick’s bought the Baltimore Spice Company, which made Old Bay, although those in the know prefer J.O anyway.

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I buy McCormick only when I desperately need an herb or spice and don’t have time to drive to/order from Penzeys.

My spices are a mish-mosh as well. Most come from Penzeys now, but I pick up some blends at Home Goods, at farmers markets, etc. I have some of the larger red cap McCormick spice jars in my spice cabinet that I refill from Penzeys bags of spices/herbs (Parsley, Basil, Oregano) and I have an old garlic-herb blend jar from McCormick that is no longer produced that I now make my own blend and put it in that jar.

I thought I had pics on my phone of my spice cabinet and my closet pantry, but I couldn’t find them. But I’m more than well stocked on herbs/spices. LOL


I have a huge storage box now of those Penzey’s “extras” from all my orders …


I’ve been making a concentrated effort to use mine (or at least transfer them out of their little envelopes). Last night’s salmon had the Russian spice mix. Somehow I had three envelopes (!) of smoked Spanish paprika that I finally transferred to a small jar.

I still have a few McCormick containers, but at this point I think they’re mostly full of Penzey’s products. Though my latest pantry cleanout revealed some forgotten jars from a small spice shop in my area.


Oh, I have a lot of the sample bags plus a ton of the smallest jars - I’m giving them away as fast as I can. I have a couple of old Sun of Italy big glass jars that I fill and reuse. Every 10 years or so I peek in the back to see what stuff I have from defunct suppliers.


I hear you–I’ve had to install multi-level racks in my spice cabinet to handle all the small jars. (They always seem like a good idea at the time. Then again, I rarely see a recipe that calls for an herb\spice that I don’t have :bowing_woman:


I gave a bunch of these as as part of small gift bags to some coworkers when I realized I had compiled about 10 of them. :smiley:


My spice drawers are a TOTAL mish-mosh. McCormick’s, Penzey’s, Oaktown Spice Shop, Simply Organic, Trader Joe’s, random store in Durban, South Africa…


Took pics this morning while waiting for the plumber.

And my hall closet pantry.

And this isn’t all of it. I have some on the counter below my spice cabinet, and more in a closed container in my pie safe.

It’s a sickness. LOL


But it seems to be a well-organized sickness. I was just thinking the other day that I need one of those door shelves.

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Looks familiar​:joy_cat: I have “auxiliary storage.” Which I had to roll out of the way while I was waiting for the plumber :joy_cat:

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DOOO EEETTT! :::I’m an enabler:::

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I already have racks in my spice cabinet so I can fit so many more of the little jars (the big ones have their own shelf). But the bags and envelopes require a step stool to reach. And since I doubt I’ll grow 6 inches as I age . . .

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I live in ATL, where we have the good fortune to have a variety of “farmer’s Markets” (actually big commercial enterprises). I buy the bulk products, usually fresh and in containers twice the size of the small jars for a lot less. I put a reasonable amount in a small sealed jar, and then vacuum pack the rest.
McCormick’s, though. I remember the smell from when I was living there

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You can still spell it in the air up in Hunt Valley, where they are now located. The Baltimore Spice Company was located in the county, not too far from where I grew up. You could walk outside and smell the Old Bay., or drive past where their plant was.