Lunch in Verona

Would love some recommendations for lunch in Verona. Appreciate it!

I’ve never been to Verona but will be there in a few months. I am eyeing lunch at L’Oste Scuro, based on some IG foodie recs.

I was eyeing Antica Bottega del Vino.

I have this on my short list as well. Seems to get a lot of good praise.

I had lunch at Antica Bottega del Vino a few years back, with my 95 year old mother. Cant say we got a warm welcome compared with the locals eating there but what we had was good. I seem to remember a wonderful warm cheese thing. Here are a couple of old pix.

More local in feel is homey Trattoria al Isolo in a nearby residential neighborhood, which we ate at on a prior visit. It would definitely be my choice if I returned, its the diff between eating very well cooked local cuisine in a warm environment and eating in a stylish Italian wine bar, if you know what I mean.

It looks like L’Oste Scuro is the same family as Trattoria al Pompiere. Have you eaten at both and how would you compare them? It appears Trattoria al Pompiere is a little more on the casual side but both look excellent.

I haven’t been to L’Oste Scuro yet. It seems they serve predominantly fish, so maybe if that’s what you want, I’d go for that, Al Pompiere is fabulous - one of the best restaurants in Italy I have been to. Still remember a leg of goat that was out of this world. :slight_smile: