Looking for soft shell lobster in restaurant (Portland Maine area)

Well, last minute and I’m able to get up to Portland area again in a couple days, yeah! I haven’t been up for a couple years, and haven’t had soft shell lobsters in that long. I checked my go-to place, Erica’s in Harpswell, and see that they no longer steam lobsters there (and have not for three years).

So…does anyone know a restaurant, or pound, that will serve soft shell lobsters for eating there? I have no problem eating on a picnic table or some place that is not fancy, but I have never checked for other places (in Portland or within a reasonable drive) that will serve soft shell lobster upon request.

There might be a ton of them - but I’ve never checked until now. Thanks for any suggestions.

Allens seafood in Harpswell? Dolphin definitely does. I’ve never been but people raved about Gurnet Trading Company when we were visiting Harpswell. .

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No steamed lobster at Allen’s at least for the past couple years (though as you probably know a fantastic place to buy fresh lobsters to cook).

For the OP, I was wondering whether Two Lights Lobster Shack near Portland on Cape Elizabeth might be offering softshells this time of year? (Website includes a phone number.) That’s the spot close to Portland that I could think of that’s most akin to Erica’s.

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We’re at the height of the summer tourist season here in Maine. This is when the seasonal places will make their profit. I refer to it as the 8 week long “Black Friday” ( July 4 through Labor Day). Becky’s Diner on Commercial St has been doing lobster for years. For ambiance though you can’t beat Two Lights.

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It’s soft shell season and most lobsters will be soft shell anyway. I imagine any restaurant or lobster pound serving lobster would be very happy to accommodate you.


Thank you for the quick responses! I just called several places, here are responses:

Dolphin - yes right now, but it changes.
Two Lights Cape Elizabeth - yes!
Luke’s Lobster in Portland - no (they’re all mingled together)
Portland Lobster Co. - line is busy constantly


Why would Luke’s mingle hard and soft shell lobsters when hard shells sell at a premium? Think about it. Luke’s ships lobster and soft shells don’t ship well at all. So, lobsters sold on site in August whether live, cooked or in a lobster roll are most likely to be soft shell.