Looking for good Spain cuisine in West/Fair?

I know we have La Camelia in Mt. Kisco. Have not been in years. Is it still good? Anyplace else you could recommend in Westchester or Fairfield?

I think La Camelia has passed its prime. The last time we went was about 2 years ago. Although I kind of like the old fashioned atmosphere, and I did like my duck a la orange (hardly Spanish!) my husband did not like his paella. Sorry, it was too long ago to really remember too many details.

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We went with friends and I was embarrassed by how bad the food was.
The service was terrible as well … I really liked the ambiance but that is
not going to get me there again … ever! I think there are a few restaurants
in CT that may have what you are looking for.

We used to have Espana in White Plains but that time has passed, too. I really got turned on to Spain cuisine again after watching a recent episode of Bourdain’s show: San Sebastian, Basque Country. Maybe some CT. HOs have a recommendation? Or, I might have to look into the city. Thanks!

If you are willing to go to NJ, my favorite Spanish restaurant is Meson Madrid in Palisades Park. Haven’t been there but Taste of Spain in Northvale is also supposed to be good.

Thanks…now you reminded me of another restaurant we used to have in our area: Meson Castellano.

Like all countries, Spanish cuisine has many regional variations. Basque culture and cuisine are in many ways unique. What dishes in particular did you see on the show that you are you looking for? After I took a trip to San Sebastian a couple years ago I came back obsessed with finding restaurants serving Basque cuisine. They are few and far between here. There are one or two in NYC and we went to one in Chicago. More generally speaking, I seem to remember a Spanish place in CT that gets good reviews. Maybe @jfood will chime in?

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I don’t remember Espana, but Meson los Espanoles on East Post Road was mediocre to good on most visits.

I remember them, E Post road?

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Yes, East Post Road near Court St.

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It was very popular with many county employees and locals. I’m editing to add that it was the only game in town.

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jfood reviewed a couple of these

I’m surprised by your negative reviews of La Camelia. Our experiences have been fine, but mostly lunch time-ish, which might make a difference. Spanish food, tho mostly tapas, are available at Patrias in New Rochelle. It’s the same chef as the former Patrias in PC and Espana in Larchmont. We like it a lot and have eaten there often.

Thanks, all. I forgot about Barcelona. Will try Patria, too. And, perhaps revisit La Camelia.

Back from another week on the road. As far as Spanish, the one that still hits the mark is Barcelona, located throughout Fairfield County. Others have tried to match it unsuccessfully.