[London] HO-/Chow-down Thurs 6/22

@Harters, I’ll be in London 20-23 June. Any chance of you, or any other HOers in town, to catch up?

It’s a quick visit as I shall be in Cardiff the weekend before for the finals of BBC Wales’ best opera singer of the world. From the BBC Wales website:
“One of the finalists, soprano Anush Hovhannisyan, will premiere an extract from an unfinished opera by Franz Liszt which had lain forgotten in a German archive for nearly two centuries before being revived by Cambridge lecturer David Trippett.”

I am in Cardiff to catch that unfinished opera bit. Wished I could have stayed longer, but work commitments back in Singapore (and an impending assignment in Hong Kong) meant I need to get home rather quickly.

Hey Peter, fingers crossed I should be around. It would be good to catch up while you are in town, it’s been a while!


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Dean! Good to hear from you! What about Limster? You can write to me at pyklyeoh@gmail.com


It’s a tricky week, I’m afraid, but may be possible. Carry on making the plans and I’ll see if I can slot into it.


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Cool. Will keep you informed :slight_smile:

It’s funny that you’ll be in London then because I’ll be in KL on those days. Obviously no chance of a meet up now. I seem to keep missing you. Hopefully next time.

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Oh no!

I’ll be in the UK from 15-25 June, actually. I’ll be in Cardiff initially, and only going to London on 19 June.

Dean - just talked to Limster, and he’s good to catch up on that week as well. Let me organise a Hungry Onion chowmeet.

I still remember the fun ones we used to hold over at the other site. Here are some:

Bombay Brasserie - Nov 2012

Lahori Nihari - Apr 2013

Min Jiang - May 2013

Crystal China - Jan 2015

We’ll keep all the Hungry Onioners updated on our upcoming meet in June 2017.

Great, sounds like a plan.

Ahh the chowdown memories!

Dean - I’m meeting up with Limster back in London on Monday evening - I’ll see if we can plan/organise a Chowmeet on Thursday - short notice as I had been pretty busy (and Limster had been away - back in the US, only returning to London on Monday morning). Else, we can also touch bases with you directly.

My Wed & Fri evenings are already taken up, unfortunately - Wed: attending the launch of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, and Friday, catching up with fellow Singaporeans (London-based foodies whom I know from Makansutra, Singapore’s street food guide). I think if you’re interested, you can join our Friday dinner at the old Chinatown stalwart, New Mayflower.


Next week has become impossible, I’m afraid - we retirees are soooo busy. Maybe your next trip?


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No plans for another trip yet this year, but never say never :smiley:

Thursday sounds good Peter. Let us know what you have in mind, and hopefully some others from the board can join us too!


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I’ll get Limster to suggest when I see him Monday evening.


Looks like it’s not a good time for me. It’s our anniversary, and we plan to take a few days to go roaming somewhere. I’m sorry you hit town during this heatwave!

It doesn’t sound as if you’ll be lacking in people to dine with. :slight_smile:


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Sorry to miss you this time, June. But you did mention before that you’ll be going somewhere. Happy anniversary!

I’d been hoping to be able to come along, but unfortunately I have to work late on Thursday. Another time!

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You’ll be missed, Kake - along with zuriga and Harters.

But I’m looking forward to catching up with quite a few old friends from the CH days :slight_smile:

When will you be visiting the USA (east coast) … hint hint!!!

Wished I have the time & opportunity to do it!

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