Let Them Eat … Everything

Apropos the recent discussion on the What’s on your mind? thread about the value/validity of the BMI, but I also found this to be an interesting read in general.

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I found this in the article…

“The most fervent 10 percent of Burnt Toast adherents pay $50 or more per year for extra content, which provides Sole-Smith an annual salary of about $200,000, twice as much as she ever made as a freelance writer.”

There is fat-shaming but there is also the opposite of closing your eyes that a large percentage of people worldwide are overweight or obese which will cause many health problems (and costs those people and ultimately society a lot of money to help). You don’t have to use BMI but it is also important to determine if people are unhealthy overweight and that they might need support from doctors (or other people) to change it if they have problems to do it by themselves. (It might be an unpopular opinion but similar to smokers who aren’t willing to quit there should be certain health insurance cost consequences if people are obese and have no interest to change their life style)


Some people need to be fat shamed.

Sorry, not sorry.

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Human children need proper nutrition to build strong healthy bodies, letting a child decide they want a brownie for dinner does NOT provide the necessary building blocks for a growing body.


Right, that’s the article that the Burnt Toast post I linked to in the original discussion was responding to. It’s part of what drove new readers who she’s addressing. I’m not sure what’s new here. :woman_shrugging:t2:

And? I’m trying to understand your point here. Should she not be getting money for her work?

I don’t read every single link people post here on the daily - I go here for leisure, not homework :wink:

If you’ve read and linked to it already and there is “nothing new here,” why even bother commenting?


Thanks for proving her point about bias. Imagine being proud of looking down on people and shaming them.


I certainly don’t agree with every single point she makes (plus I have the luxury of not having to raise children & only make decisions about my own body), but I respect her radical consistency.

Not every overweight or fat person has diabetes or is at risk. Plenty of very unhealthy skinny folks out there.

One point I def agree with is that we could all be a bit more empathetic (well, most of us, at least) towards fat people, just as we afford empathy to folks with addiction issues and don’t blame them for their situation. Although there are likely folks who do that, too: those unaware of their own privilege who judge from their high horses :face_vomiting:


I don’t recall reading anything saying that fat-shaming is helpful in any way. It’s just plain mean.


Money… especially $200K/year sounds like a strong motivator.

(post deleted by author)

To write? It would certainly motivate me.


She started without that following and has irked in Thai topic for ages.

Meanwhile, find it hilarious you are jumping to someone who writes books, writes substack, hosts podcasts , and has a Patreon to make a living whilst perhaps being less reflective on the ways the food and pharmaceutical industries fund nutrition, health, and diet studies. Looking to the structural upholding of diet and anti-fat culture seems more productive to me.

ETA: VSS isn’t my favourite. I don’t subscribe but highly recommend others like Jessica Wilson, Aubrey Gordon, and others. VSS is getting a lot of attention as a parent blogger as well.

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Getting paid for one’s work is an incredibly motivating factor. I’ve yet to understand your point.

Should she not be making money for her work?

sorry. just was able to see my post and can’t edit it now.

It makes sense that body positivity advocates shouldn’t shame people or make assumptions. On the other hand, children’s health is so important too.

It makes sense that body positivity advocates shouldn’t shame people…On the other hand, children’s health is so important too.

If you think body shaming (or this obsession–many are more advocates of body neutrality) is good for children’s health: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/effects-of-fat-shaming#mental-health

If you don’t eat to read, just note the takeaway: “[Fat shaming] does not motivate people to lose weight. In fact, it causes significant harm.”


Shaming anyone for their appearance is just so low. I honestly cannot wrap my head around having such a cruel mindset.

Of course, it’s also often the case that the shamers are projecting their own feelings of inadequacy or insecurity onto others so they can feel superior.

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