Ketchup Leather

Goofy, but new to me.

“When seen from a culinary rather than a technological vantage point, the ketchup leather technique doesn’t solve a problem so much as it offers a different way of experiencing ketchup on burgers. The pleasure of a cheeseburger comes from the hot patty’s ability to melt and meld with the cheese, yielding a glorious merger of flavors. When squeezed or even spread, condiments must either be applied to the bun or atop the patty. Both approaches resist incorporating the flavors into the burger itself”

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I may be late to the party but I hadn’t seen ketchup leather until I watched the Sriracha documentary yesterday. Looks like a great idea for preserving homemade ketchup if it is shelf stable. I assume it would be.

I can honestly say that although I have no interest in ketchup leather, I’m dying to try it.

That is exactly why I love this site. Who knows what you’ll find.

But, the question is, how hungry must one be to eat ketchup leather found on an onion?

Hmm… good point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m very intrigued by the sound of ketchup leather. Lots of possibilities and applications

thanks, hadn’t heard of ketchup leather.

found a recipe for it; in fact, for the entire Plan Check burger which has other fascinating elements, Japanese-influenced: the ketchup leather has dried shiitake mushrooms, the “American” cheese slices are flavored with dashi, the fried onions are made with chicken skin and fat (ok well that’s Jewish schmaltz), and the bun is augmented with panko crumbs!

I think leather ketchup can work in other recipes than the burger, which needs that moisture to be delicious.