Johnny Ray's Sultry Soul Food in SIlver Spring

Located on an industrial street with auto body shops, Johnny Ray’s is spruced up nicer than you’d think.

I arrived late in the day when they were already out of several items. I ordered chicken livers with sides of a cabbage/collards mix and rice with gravy.

The chicken livers were deep fried to a gorgeous and golden, crackly brown. Expertly fried, though I prefer pan fried. The collard mix was deeply seasoned and a pleasure. The rice was really good even if the gravy a bit salty.

They seem like very nice people, and there’s not many places around where this kind of food is proudly served.


Nice to know! There aren’t many places here you can get a pork chop sandwich around here.

BTW, that’s the name of the place, “Johnny Ray’s Sultry Soul Food.” I did not add that adjective on my own.

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Well, I did check that on line, nit that I was worried.
Enjoy the day – two miracles on the same day! Worth celebrating