ISO suggestions for small markets in Chelmsford MA area (Boston, New England)

Cape Ann Fresh Catch may need to find a different year-round location for its Chelmsford pick-up on Thursday afternoons. This means a small spot, enough for a person and a 3-ft long Coleman cooler, from 4-6 p.m. Sometimes the coolers leak, but since the fish shares are individually bagged, any dripping is clean, odor-free water. Ideally, it should be indoors, but failing that, it needs to have, at minimum, electric light and a roof. There has to be easy parking.

Most CSF distribution points are farmstands or other independent, food-related businesses that do not themselves sell seafood. They benefit from a bit of extra business if/when the CSF members buy some of their items while there to pick up their fish shares.

Any suggestions for possible sites in, or adjacent to, Chelmsford? TIA

have you called jones farm?

It’s at Jones Farm now, but it may not be possible to continue there.