Irish Court Rules Subway Bread is not Bread

Entertaining and understandable


Interesting story.

We had a similar case in the UK, back in the early 80s, related to VAT. That one was whether a “Jaffa Cake” was a cake or a biscuit.


The last time I ate at a Subway was when we lived in Paris (good lord, almost a decade past now, for those who’ve been on this ride with me!) They’d just opened a store near me, and I was curious, hungry, and a twinge nostalgic.

I was a little surprised to find that it tasted exactly as I remembered the American version to taste…which is a good thing and a bad thing.

Jaffa cakes, however, are sent from on high and I dont dare buy a big package, as they all seem to evaporate at once, regardless of how many I bought. :slight_smile:

Indeed so. Although there is this very sad story from last year.

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LOL, same here.

I once saw a local tv program (baking competition), the theme was to make a full cake size Jaffa cake, not biscuit size. I had never saw a big one until then.

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The bread’s sugar content – five times the qualifying limit under the act – means that it falls outside of the legal definition of a staple food. The ruling included white and wholegrain bread. The definition serves to differentiate bread from other baked goods.

I’m wondering they need to add so much sugar, to get people addicted?!

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Mrs H is the baker in the house. I must point her towards this idea.

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I’ll now await the court ruling on whether or not their cold cuts can actually be classified as meat.


I lived my first 40+ years in Philly (give or take a few for school) and the last 10 years in a Philly “collar suburb.” There are so many good hoagies with real bakery bread and quality meats, I cannot wrap my head around the popularity of Subway. In Athens, OH . . .ok. In Philly . . .no way!


Let them eat cake! With cold cuts on it!


There is always an emotional component to food. For me, I have decided that trying to revisit that in low-end chains (McDonalds, Wendy’s, Subway) is generally a disappointment. Accordingly I cherish the memories and avoid the current reality.


Also saw this in The Guardian’s piece:

In 2014, Subway decided to start removing the flour whitening agent azodicarbonamide from its baked goods after a petition circulated online. The ingredient is commonly used in the manufacture of yoga mats and carpet underlay and has been banned by the European Union and Australia from use in food products.

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Sure. Remember corn gets added to gasoline also no one suggests not eating corn. Silly people.


Mod: Combined your topic with an earlier topic on the same subject. Thanks.


True. When I was a kid it was always a treat going to one of the early branches of Subway in New London CT when we took the ferry across from Long Island. Although it has been years since I’ve had it, I still have a soft spot for the fake crab meat.

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I’m confused, I thought it was already established that Subway bread/rolls were actually yoga mats? Now they are yoga mats with excessive sugar?

There are dozens of posts about this but the very off putting smell of their in store baking turned me off from them a long time ago.

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There’s a section of our local mall where you can get trapped between the vile smell of Subway baking and the vile smell from a popcorn stall. I have neevr lingered long enough to decide which is the more vile.


This kind of crap makes me so tired. Maybe we should ban baking soda and vinegar, because you can make a toy volcano out of them. OMG VOLCANO YOU COULD DIE!

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Except in NJ. There is no science in NJ. I did science night with my nieces for a while. The girls lost interest in the volcano after a while but my wife and SIL had never seen it before and were rapt. This is not the first time the family Jersey girls have run headlong into the poor science education in NJ schools.

@NotJrvedivici @MsBean @CurlzNJ and the entire NJ crew.

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