Insular crowd

hmmmmm . . . :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Now this thread has gone down the hell hole. Thanks to you. A moderator.


I try my best!

I have to hand it to you. Good comeback.

Interestingly, caraway was contentious in my house because my mom (Scottish/English extraction) didn’t like it, but my dad (half Polish/French-Canadian) thought it was fine. My grandmother, fully first generation Polish American, made food that had caraway where it was supposed to be (as far as she was concerned, anyway). It was one of the first (but not last) disagreements with my mother.


Forking and knifing you feels just not enough, yet I have nothing better to say at the moment but forks and knifes up!


Was just thinking about caraway the other night, and how little of it I use. I do like it sparingly in appropriate things, but it’s definitely been an acquired taste. Went out to dinner at a new place the other night, and for the first time ever, had beef on weck, after hearing about it for years. The wreck had a lot of caraway, but would say I did like the sandwich quite a bit, and finally got to try it. It was the first time I’ve seen it on a menu, in all the places I’ve lived. Admittedly these places just include the west, southwest, and Alaska pretty much. Far away from beef on weck territory!
ETA: sorry for the thread drift…


I’m mostly in agreement with all that you wrote. My observation leads me to believe that of the people who want to ward off any discussion that hints at politics, some of them

  1. are apprehensive about things getting heated and angry words being exchanged, which interferes with the generally congenial tone of this site. This is a legit worry - we’ve all seen it happen. But the way to avoid things getting heated is to…not get heated.

  2. enjoy the luxury of being relatively unaffected by politics and don’t like being reminded that others don’t. This is less legit, according to me. Because, as many have pointed out, we are capable of ignoring posts* we’d rather not engage with or even read all the way through. But to complain that people are discussing something you’d prefer not to think about - and I’ve seen that here, too - seems like asking the world to protect you when you’re perfectly capable of protecting yourself.

*and here I’ll throw in the obligatory exception for personal insults and abusive language


Thank you. I am in full agreement with your observations, and am grateful for the eloquence of point 2.


It’s one of very few things I don’t like very much, or only in very few contexts - like a pastrami on rye. That might actually be the only occasion I can abide caraway. Otherwise, that nasty shit ruins everything it touches. Seulement pour moi, natch :wink:

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It is an essential flavor of the classic:

The second classic stop of tourist Buffalo two-step is Frank and Terresa’s:


Yep, now that is one culinary contribution from that part of the world that’s certainly made its mark, at least nationally, probably Canada too, if not beyond. Was gifted a bottle of the Anchor hot sauce once, good stuff.

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Do people really look or even care about “likes” on this or any other board ?

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For me… I’m very much a novice cook and the likes (along with any advice/suggestions) are very encouraging.


The strange thing is how violent that sounds outside of context.



And bizzarley risque to boot


My foster brother and I as kids used to say “Fork you, buddy!” “No, fork YOU!” as slang for that other eff word. This was in the `70s, well before it became sitcom fodder.

His dad finally told us to knock it off.


Not a forum; but a blog.

Wow really? It’s the only thing that people care about and the reason why social media is both so addictive and so detrimental for mental health.


Coming into the conversation late, and finding it fascinating. I don’t mind veering off into politics and thread drift. It’s happened to me a couple of times. For me what is more bothersome than the topic is the tone. I don’t know why I expect people here who share love of food (maybe because food is love) to be kinder to each other than what I see in other online settings. But sadly, they aren’t. There are just as many people on HO who use abrasive words, whose tone is harsh, and who are very offputting and temporarily upsetting to those people who simply hold a different opinion than they do.