Instacart reneges on commitments to employees

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The Verge has a good article about this, too:

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If the company is a Tech Darling, you can be sure it has no soul. No ethics.

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Aw, that’s not entirely fair. The generation working for tech companies these days are usually identified to be very thoughtful and care deeply about social causes, are generally more likely to be involved in grassroots activism than my generation ever was. Individual CEOs and executives can be jerks and only bottom-line focused in any industry, and I don’t think is more prevalent than in tech than in other businesses.

For example, check out this piece of work from FL:

Salon can definitely skew towards left-leaning, so if it’s not your thing, you can do a search on the owner/execs referred to here on the web and come up with read up on what they’ve said from other sources too. Pretty appalling.


Thanks for your thoughtful reply, kobuta.

I wasn’t focusing my comments on the cogs that power the tech industry. I was specifically targeting the executive suites and the “shareholder” base as being soulless. Nothing will change my opinion on that.

Be well.