Hungry Onion Musings- 1/31/2016- Growing the community

Its been 3 months since the last community update! I really need to provide updates more regularly. Even though I haven’t written for a while, I have been working hard behind the scene on drumming up interest on various boards.

The boards, both topical and regional, are of various stages of maturity- from just getting started to having a good group of regular posters and discussions. Each board requires a different approach to market and grow dependent on how mature they are and various other factors.

Its taking a bit of time, because even though I have some good thoughts on growing the boards, there isn’t quite enough time to tend to all the boards at the same time, with this being a hobby and competing demands on time. So I am prioritizing with the principle that, ‘if there are folks on a particular board who are or want to be active and dedicated in posting, I will try to get them an audience so they will be conversing with a larger group.’

  • Which means that if you want more action earlier in the board(s) you frequent, feel free to send me a note. I can share with you a few tips that you can use yourself to get things going faster (because otherwise you will have to wait for me to get to them, which will take noticeably longer) It isn’t difficult or time consuming, and a few of you on one board can do it a lot faster than me.
    - If you have a list of people you want to invite, either on the web or in real life, but don’t know how to, I can share a few tips. Just message me.

With that said, one or two boards are finally at a point where we have made some good progress to reach the point where we are ready to emerge from the shadow of Chowhound, and attract a whole new group of food-obsessed. I will be busy working to find the right ‘secret sauce’ to make them more vibrant.