Hungry Onion Get Together @ TONY'S PIZZERIA | Saturday May 4 @ 7 p.m.

Hello everyone.

@hyperbowler and myself are trying to organize a HO get together at Tony’s Pizzeria to try their “pizza around the world tasting menu” (see below for details).

We are planning on getting together on Saturday May 4 @ 7 p.m.

Ideally we’d like to get at least 7 people to join us.

The total cost of the tasting menu is $500. So depending on the total headcount, it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of $70/person (assuming we have 7 people, and obviously less if more people join).

Please respond to this thread if (1) you are available on May 4, 7 p.m. and (2) number of guests, including yourself.

Thank you.

  • DATE: Saturday, May 4
  • TIME: 7 p.m.
  • TOTAL COST: $500 (approx. $70/person)


I couldn’t find any information on their website, but from the article it looks like six is the maximum number of guests they allow for this menu.

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aw man, i’d love to meet up with you guys but can’t that date! enjoy!