Humor: A Guide to Asian Restaurants, by Ali Wong

Excerpted to The Vulture, October 2019

The following is an excerpt from Ali Wong’s new book, Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, and Advice for Living Your Best Life. The book is a collection of letters addressed to her daughters and is out now.


Fun read. Could’a been longer.

LOL, that definitely made me laugh. Thank you for sharing.

In the Department of Extraordinary Reporting:

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Cherry picking:

American Express is no longer a warning sign in these days of Square with 2.6% + 0.10/transaction.

High noise levels are not well correlated with good Chinese or Chinese-American food.

Full bars are common in Chinese restuarants in the US in my experience.

For the missing Thai, it is a good sign if sullen teenagers are sitting on the floor in the kitchen pounding peanuts in a morter.

NYmag had the book excerpt too - there were parts where I actually laughed aloud :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I loved that excerpt so much I bought the book.

For Thai restaurants:

Bangkok Glutton

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I loved the Filipino pro/con about eating in someone’s house! Always, sometimes just the back porch or garage alley!

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