Houstonia's List of the Top 100 in... uhmmm... Houston

This is a month old already but I just saw it and didn’t see it posted elsewhere.

I’ve been to 9 of the 100.

The List, (alphabetically, not ordered).

  1. Never hear of some of these.

Strange, I type 28 and 1 shows.

Ahhhh, lists, lists, lists. So hard to keep up with all the lists these days.

I do like the way they broke it down into categories in the magazine. Makes it easier to concentrate on the categories I find most interesting, since that’s the way I tend to do things.

I’ve been to 20 of them, although in a couple of cases, most notably Brennan’s, it’s been a couple of decades.

Some of them are very, very new - Midtown BBQ only a matter of a couple of months.