Houston Chef releases first cookbook - Indian



Are used to go to her place every Saturday for lunch, her menu was so delicious. Then she closed it and opened Indika. I intended to sign up for her cooking class at Indika, then she sold it. I liked her menu there but missed some of the dishes that I got at her original location off Memorial, my favorite was the shrimp in curry coconut sauce and her okra was delicious. Now she has only Pondicheri, but that location is difficult to navigate in my view and I’ve only been one time. I wish her luck with this cookbook.

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I hadn’t known about her original place out your way and never made it to Indika. I want to go to Pondicheri but haven’t yet - Looks to be difficult to find.

Ever had her Chai Pie? Looks good - may be the first thing I order!

I can’t say that Pondicheri in nyc was somewhere I sought out, though I had a good meal there soon after it opened. The space was lovely, and the all-day cafe / bakery concept was unique for the Indian twist.

I’ll borrow the book from the library to have a look, surprised from the index that there isn’t more pastry.


I didn’t know if that concept had lasted. Everybody here was shocked when she announced it.

I wonder how much time she spends in nyc.

Seems the nyc location closed down in June 2020. I could never understand how they paid their rent — it was a massive, gorgeous space that was always empty.



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There was another recipe from the book on this link but it looks like that’s subject to change. I can’t remember the other dish.

Wow, I’ve been looking for this recipe for years. Anita always served these gratis at the end of every meal when she was at the Memorial location. She served them warm from the oven and they are delicious! I sure would think that she used powdered cardamom in those cookies though. I’m going to try these.

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Did you try? Let us know. :slightly_smiling_face:

Not yet, I can’t get to the store and my gopher has his limits on serving my needs right now. :smile: This knee replacement is a bear. :bear: :bear:


So sorry. Is it healing normally - just takes a long time - or are there complications? Hope not. :crossed_fingers:

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Came across this a month ago but never posted. This is the paywall protected site and I don’t know if it’s from the book but it looks delicious.

Interesting to learn her family is actually from Pakistan.

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Interesting, I miss her shrimp curry and fried okra I used to get every Saturday at Indika. And her warm cardamom cookies.

On this cold and wet day I had a spicy poblano soup from the freezer stock at Brookwood in Brookshire.

They now sell frozen casseroles and soups served in the cafe there. The soup was tasty. When I’m out that way again I’ll stop in to pick up other items.


Wow. I didn’t know that. For sure, next time I’m driving in, I’m going to stop & get something. Thanks!

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