Home Food? Does it still exist?

Does anyone remember Home Food? About 10+ years ago when were in Italy there was as website which I believe was called Home Food. I can’t imagine it survived the pandemic as I no longer can find it online. My question is does something like this exist for Spain? It was a site where you could select a home/host by city and cuisine in which you would be the only guest. Locals doing home cooking one on one in an intimate setting. Any ideas?

There is Cesarine

(note, I haven’t done this but read about it and bookmarked the site)

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Thats it.

I did one of these with my group when we were in Siena this summer. It was easily the best night of our trip.

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We had a lot of fun at ours in Rome. Great conversation and the food was wonderful.

Just checked out the site. Yep! That seems to be the same concept. If anyone hears of something like this offered in Spain, please advise!

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Sometimes I ask these kinds of questions on Reddit or TripAdvisor, when HO doesn’t have many answers…

There would be a Reddit for food in Spain.