HO meet-up in Paris Dec 26-Jan 2?

There seems to be a few of us planning to be in Paris that week. Any interest in drinks, lunch or dinner?

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We would, but we only arrive back on the 2nd.

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Am arriving late afternoon of the 30th with lots of moving parts (read: people and reservations). However, I could see using some unstructured time on the 31st or 1st to meet up during the day for a something (as dinner is involved for me both those nights, something more like a snack and/or a coffee, if restaurant is involved). Also, I am thinking during the night, after dinner, on the 30th when my cousin who will just have arrived from the U.S. with some jet lag, no doubt, I would like to take a walk to see the Christmas lights. If that appeals (our dinner that night is at 8 at Dilia, so probably shake loose around ten or so), we could meet up for a walk and a nightcap of some sort? Message me, if that is of interest?

Am around Paris till the 6th of January…

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Hmmm, I thought I messaged you last night, but don’t see it in my box. Let me know if you didn’t get it.

Hi there, sorry, I did finally see it (and responded there before I saw this response here). Sorry for the crossed wires!

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