Hidden gems

Since Covid I’ve been exploring restaurants in the USA and found some wonderful small places, like Harbor House in Elk, CA and Nook in Madison, WI. Very different places but both fabulous dining experiences. I’d love to get suggestions from anyone else who has a great dining experience to share. Thanks!


Helen, it might be better to post this as a California thread and post a similar thread for the Midwest. There isn’t really a way to post for the USA as a regional thread.

If you’re open to a pan-USA or global thread, it should be moved to the more general discussion part of the site.

Cc @moderators


Thanks! New to posting on this site so I’ll try your suggestion.


Helen, it was great meeting you this past week at Harbor House. You should post some of your experiences at Paris restaurants on the France discussion board on this site.

Thanks! Great to meet you too! Hope you like Harbor House - I was just writing it up. I need to figure out how to post on this forum. I know my husband looks at it a lot. He even knew your name! Sorry he didn’t get to make the connection, he reads a lot of what you post. Hope you’ll check out <diningwithfrankie.com> and I’ll work on getting more active here.

To post about Harbor House, create a “New Topic” here. On the screen look for the lower right pink box that says New Topic. Give your post a title and pick a location and that’s about it. There’s lots of help on this site.

By the way, we loved Harbor House and will return this fall.