Henckels 13-pc knife set with "self-sharpening" knife block

All your French knives (mostly Sabatier) are carbon steel knives, right? I know Sabatier (brand) also sell stainless steel knives now.

I never own these self sharpening knife block. I think the idea is that each time we take ithe knives in and out of the block, the knives will be slightly sharpened. My understanding is that this is a very marginal help. Moreover, after the knives are properly sharpened to a good edge. Now, I think the self-sharpening block will dull these sharpened knives.

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Same ad caught my eye. $120 for a full set of Henckels seemed a bit hard to believe. I think I’ll stick with the old Henckels chef’s knife I have and enjoy the German.