Help me make fried chicken.

I like that bit about finishing it in the oven. How long (roughly) do you keep it in there?

I think it was about 15 minutes or so, but I’m not sure. I temp check it with an instant read thermometer, when it hits 165 (f) internal, I (usually) serve dinner.
Last night I started the (box) mac and cheese a little late, so when the chicken hit 165 (F) internal, I put the oven on warm and finished making the sides.


I can’t take credit for that tip… A retired chef friend told me about that.

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Tough time to start the oven in the hotter dessert. I’ve been thinking of getting a fryer ,of sorts, outside. I’d be worried that a wide rocket stove would allow grease to penetrate the block and become a fire hazard. Me, crying about 90 degree heat. Smokey Joe was my best buddy today.

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Having read this far in replies, I’d say that MunchkinRedux hits most of the points I’d offer, except that I do not bother with a lid. What I especially endorse is the idea of seeking out a smaller chicken than those behemoths that plague our USA grocers. Countless chef’s recipes say to start with a bird about 3 pounds. Just TRY to find one of those at retail.

In the course of my lifetime (I’'m 60), so called “fryer” chickens have grown from 3-ish lbs to 4.5-5.5lbs minimum. And there is not practical size difference between fryers and roasters anymore. So in frying, the crust–to-chicken-mass balance is all out of whack.

For the pan method you’re describing, I say get a small whole bird, no more than 4lbs if possible, part it out and soak it several hours in seasoned buttermilk if you can (or milk with a Tablespoon of vinegar/lemon juice per cup of milk), set your oil to about 340ºF/170ºC and at a depth level (about 3/8"/1/2") where a proper small bird can fill out the pan nicely to displace the oil. The size of the bird matters here in relation to the pan, and I find that the right bird can go into a 12" cast iron skillet drums/thighs/breasts/wings and be half submerged. The oil temperature will drop, so modestly turn up the heat briefly and keep the oil at 325º as best you can. Timing depends on bird size, of course, but I spitball an estimate of 5-6 minutes per side, and I usually pay as much attention to the color of the coating as to the meat temperature until near the end. Let it rest on paper towels or a rack for a good long time (20 minutes+), as carryover cooking is your friend, and, damn, chicken just stays hot a long time for some reason.

I mean to try soon a method extolled at Hot Thai Kitchen on YouTube, which involves Thai flavors and a rice-flour batter (therefore something to offer my gluten-free mother. It’s done in a wok:

Good luck, and Buon appetito!


You are correct… I think we are on our 25th day of temperatures over 110 degrees (F).
For me… I’m utilizing an Evaporative Cooler. It exchanges/pushes the hot air (in the house) out an open window, replacing it with cooler fresh air. It uses substantially less electricity than an air conditioning system. An evap cooler does have its drawbacks, but (for me) the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
So yes, the kitchen does heat up a little bit. After dinner is served, I’ll set up a box fan to help push the hot air out of the kitchen and the evap cooler’s centrifugal fan will push it out the rest of the way.


I think Mary’s Fryers run 3-4 lbs.
If you have local growers they often have smaller birds or will “dispatch” one for you.

Invest in an electric skillet if you want to perfect fried chicken. I’m envious of those that can make great fried chicken in a cast iron pan on the stove.


I’ve tried to make homemade fried chicken several times and have never had success. I’ve done Alton Brown’s recipe at least twice and Thomas Keller’s ad hoc one once. I’m going to try the ad hoc one again for Thomas Keller COTM. We shall see.