Happy Lunar Year!

Those of you celebrating, what are you making to welcome the year of the dragon?


I had this for lunch yesterday. And I’m going here on the 15th. No plans to cook anything special, though, unless I can come with some Superbowl/Lunar New Year ideas.


I’m lucky in that a very good buddy of ours not only happens to be Chinese, but also a gifted cook. He’s throwing a massive bash tonight with the rather random motto of “Moon Shines Over Casablanca.”

The food will likely be spectacular :slight_smile:

Yeah, I feel like is a “let the pros handle it” holiday!

Seems like the majority of HO denizens share your sentiment. I suppose I could’ve posted this elsewhere, leaving the option of restaurant meals :woman_shrugging:, but now it’s too late to move it, and I’d hate to give the mods extra work on a Saturday/holiday :wink:

I made pork noodle soup. Broth was chicken broth, dashi, miso, tamari. Roasted pork tenderloin that had been marinaded in gochujang and hoisin. Topped with sbe and green onions. Pickled daikon, cuke, red onion salad in a chile paste, rice vinegar dressing.


We made a simple brown rice and left over green salad with edamame, grated carrot and chicken potstickers.


Panfried noodles with greens, scallops and shrimp.


Wow! Looks fab :heart_eyes:

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I can’t take any credit for the amazing array of ELEVEN dishes our gracious and talented host provided last night. Neither will I be able to properly name all of them, but I shall at least try.

What. A. Feast.

Chicken meatballs.

Glass noodles with tofu.


Five Spice beef. Fall apart tender.

Shrimp. No duh. Delish.

More noodz with lily buds & firm tofu.

Salmon with ginger & scallion. Fantastic.

Ground beef Macao nimchee (sp.?). Fab.

Ginger scallion poached chicken. This was my favorite dish. The chicken breast (!) was tender and juicy.

Pork tonkatsu with chili sauce.

Pork shoulder with Chinese kimchee I didn’t get to try.

There was another plate with gai lan and shiitake I forgot to photograph, which was also fabulous.

Tonight’s meal will certainly pale in comparison.


There’s a Macanese home-style dish called “minchi”. Cubes potatoes and (beef) mince. It’s a nostalgic and favourite thing Macanese children/adults enjoy eating. According to my books Macanese food is world’s first “fusion cuisine”.

Ask you host/the cook?

(Source: I have 2 Macanese cookery books, myself have been to Macau 3 times.)

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Hmmmm. I didn’t notice any potatoes in it, but maybe I mixed up two of the beef dishes?

It’s just a lil blurry today :wink:

Eat some Matjes and wash them down with more beer to get rid of the kater. (The Karnaval party animals believe that.)

There’s a Portuguese saying “more the next day is the cure”.

Oh, thanks for the concern, but I am not hungover at all. I’m good about proper hydration all night :wink:

But if I were, I’d be partial to rollmops.

It came to me as a surprise when employees at my regular pub said I was the only one who ever asked for water. I drink beer and water in equal amounts. Then more water afterwards and the next day.

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It is the way, the truth, and the life :smile:

Nian gao

Steamed chicken


I have never seen bok jit gai in such a tidy presentation! Was it a whole chicken?

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Correct, sir.

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I think I see a wing tip on top, but where are the legs??