Guavas- how are they eaten?

I love guava.

Have a tree at home (the soft kind). Just fkcuing wonderful.


I ADORE guavas, and I first loved them for their perfumey aroma! I wonder if this is a thing like how some folks think cilantro tastes like soap.

I typically simmer them (halved) with water to cover, then strain and sweeten and use the puree as is for agua fresca, or cook it down for jam (or cook it WAY down for guava paste). It has lots of pectin so it’s great to add to other fruit jams that don’t set as well (guava-strawberry is heavenly). One vendor at my (NoCal) farmers market has many colors of guava, and I shredded them and made an amazing marmalade. Then if I want to slice them to use in a pie or something, I just take out the seedy centers with a melon baller.


You make a very good point about the flavor As my guavas ripen they actually smell much better, but to me the weird flavor and cast iron seeds are off-putting, I’ve decided. i’ll wait for October/November for my pineapple guavas to ripen. They taste completely different and I like them.