Greater Boston dining recommendations around Dover

We usually end up in Needham or Wellesley, but Medfield is no further than those. Haven’t looked for new options in a year or two, so I thought I’d ask the GBA Onions for recs.

Probably two dinners and a breakfast. Doesn’t have to be fancy (or not fancy), but good food.

Thank you!

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Was just reading about this on, so no personal experience eating here. This is a new restaurant the Forage team opened in Dedham, which isn’t too far from Dover.

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A new place opened/is opening in Sherborn, which is next to Dover - Fireside Tavern. Looks like the cafe part is open for breakfast and lunch, and the full restaurant should open later this month? I’ve been in the space in its previous incarnation (Heritage of Sherborn) and likes the space but not the food, so I’m curious to see what the new owners do with it.

Also in Dedham, we’ve been consistently impressed with Il Massimo for Italian food. Everything we’ve ordered has been really top-notch. The only downside is parking, since it’s in a fairly big shopping center, so plan accordingly.

(And let me know when you’re up here - your usual dinner locations are my neck of the woods!)


Blue on Main in Needham is our go-to when we have errands in the area.


Thank you all!

As an aside, I have a bit of sticker shock at some of the restaurant pricing becoming indiscernible from nyc madness.

Also, how is sycamore constantly booked a week or more out?!

I have been informed that Mother’s Day lunch is at Masala Arre (note that I am the only indian person in any of these groups that they regularly spend time with, I never want to eat indian food in boston, and yet I have now eaten at Masala Arte several times :flushed::joy:)

Still trying to fill 2 dinners and a lunch.

Lunch can be casual (I’m thinking pickup from Pho Viet might not be a bad idea, though we may end up at some eggy brunch instead).

Early breakfast before Mother’s Day lunch (transitioning from friends to family) maybe at the village griddle in Medfield, which I have also been to before (and kinda love) — unless I find an alternative like Fireside Tavern Cafe (will call to see if they are open that day, can’t find any actual info online).


I was intrigued by your mention of Fireside Tavern Cafe in Sherborn so I googled it and came up with

Maybe it was just posted recently…

" Now Open Seven Days a Week from 7 AM to 3 PM!

Indulge in our exquisite pastry selection and join our early morning crowd to savor these delectable delights. Our pastries are a hit with our customers, often selling out before noon. Pair your morning coffee or espresso with a freshly baked pastry for the perfect start to your day. Hurry in early to ensure you don’t miss out on these delightful morning treats."

I don’t know the Dover area restaurant landscape at all, so I can’t offer any advice. Yes, Boston area restaurant pricing has gone up a lot. Even at our desperation fallback neighborhood pub with quite mediocre food. It is what it is.

I am intrigued by your comment " I never want to eat indian food in boston." We especially loved southern Indian restaurants (dosa, etc) decades ago when we lived in the SF Bay area. Found not good Indian food when we moved back to Boston long ago and stopped trying. One exception: the Masala Dosai at Dosa-n-curry in Somerville was good the first time, not the second, so no third.

I’m so sorry about the Masala Arte repetition…don’t they know by now you don’t like it at all?. Anyway, if you absolutely had to eat Indian food in Boston (theoretical question) is there anything you might mention (not recommend) that is better than Masala Arte? Doesn’t have to be southern Indian.

I hope this trip goes well!

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At least when we lived in the area it was the best restaurant in the area (and even GBA). Not surprised that it is booked out - we always had to plan 2-3 weeks ahead for it

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I cook Indian food, I eat lots of it in India, and more than I want to in nyc :joy:

Masala Art is good, I just think it’s funny that I have been there multiple times with different groups :rofl:

(I’ve been curious about 1947 in Norwood, which reads like a south indian menu with standard north indian additions to make people who would otherwise miss tikka masala happy – it’s hard to find south indian non-vegetarian places here, so there’s lots of interesting things i’d want to try)

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To comment on the Indian food part of your post, that (Indian food) has interestingly declined over the last 10-12 years. There was a time when Bengal Cafe on Mass Ave (beyond Porter Square) and Royal Bengal (near MIT) both offered very good Bengali food, and Tamarind Bay offered many interesting dishes in its basement location. Above it, perched in a much nicer location, Bombay Club was mostly solid, and Cafe of India offered a delicious Indian breakfast. All gone, and we’re now awash in a red sea of generic tikka masala.

I should add that I haven’t ventured to Burlington, etc., so can’t comment on what’s available there. The best Indian food I’m aware of in town is that served by the delivery service Bombay Brunch. I’ve started a thread on them and have been using them pretty much every week. They offer things that you can’t get anywhere else in the area, and that are objectively excellent, not just “for Boston”.


Thanks for the help, everyone!

My weekend write-up is here:

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I’m sorry that I missed your post @Saregama!

For future visits - I haven’t been in a while, but I loved Avenue in Medfield in the past -

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