gift basket ideas for delivery near Glendale/Pasadena?

Hi, looking for ideas for local/indie/artisanal gift basket delivery for a bereaved household a bit north of Glendale/Pasadena. The person most impacted loves wine & good food. It doesn’t have to be a gift basket per se, could be fancy grocery delivery or prepared meal delivery. Thank you!


Savor the Flaor

Milk Farm

A bit out of your geographic area, but worth checking out is E Waldo, which is sort of the epitome of “local/indie/artisanal” …

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First off - I am so sorry for your friends loss.

@ipsedixit posted Waldo Ward and I have to say - they are an underrated gold mine. Go, get some of their marmalades (it started as an orange marmalade factory/farm), some of their other stuff and then hit Trader Joe’s or the Grocery Outlet on Alta Dena for brie, crackers and wine, and drop off a gift basket or bag.

I am partial to ginger snaps, brie and marmalade together but that’s just me.

But Waldo Ward for the win, for sure.

Yay you for being such good friend!


oops, sorry I left out the very key piece of info that I am not in the area & want to order something to be delivered!

I looked at the Waldo Ward website just now & while it looks lovely they don’t have quite the variety of things for me to assemble a one-stop-shop mail order. (Same w/ your other suggestions ipsedixit.)

I have a friend in Pasadena/Altadena who loves and uses Dumpling. Basically it’s a personal shopper who gets what you want and delivers it for a fee. Might be a good option for a quirkier assembly - they can go to more than one store for you, or just go to a regular store (Trader Joe’s? Bristol Farms?) and deliver.

Good luck you kind friend!