Fripon, rue de Ménilmontant, Paris 20

On my blog, I’ve posted about my meal at Fripon last night, worthy of your consideration.

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Wine friponnerie notwithstanding, this looks like an excellent place to try out. Thanks for the review and really great photos!

When does the wine markup transition from excessive to rip off?
Do they have a reasonable house wine or a properly priced wine by the glass list?

I generally look to the price in the restaurant compared to the price in a wine shop; it’s usually (but not always) a constant ratio across the whole list. 2x is acceptable, 2.5 I’ll accept if it’s a well-thought-out list but I won’t be happy about it. Beyond that, only if the restaurant is extremely inexpensive for the food and using the wine to subsidize the food – e.g., OktObre (where it’s >2.5). As for transitioning from excessive to rip off, I view them as the same.