Fried shrimp and shrimp "poop"?

Eh, the smaller the easier. I don’t like eating the shells either. When well fried, they can just be like a crispy shell, but often they are still a little tougher and IMO, a little jagged. Ouch! I have no problem sucking on shrimp heads, but you can take my shells (or better yet, save them for stock).

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When they’re deep-fried, the shells just become nice & crunchy. I’ve generally only seen this with the big ones – which I eat entirely (after having removed the crap).

If ones is so grossed out from the poop in whole shrimp you can ream them out roto rooter style with a long thin drill bit as long as the head is off

Like doing a colonoscopy


I’ve met many people, all women–perhaps coincidentally–who do not like bones in meats. Not that I haven’t met maybe even more males with food pickiness–usually against textures and/or veggies in general–but never a problem there with bones, so far.

Here at home, I like chicken thighs, husband like the breasts. Same with other meat, I’ve not much interest with filet mignon, pork tenderloin for example, prefer the ribs. I can eat shrimp shells but couldn’t stand tiny bones of fish.

I’m like you, naf. I think bones and shells add too much flavor to overlook. I’m so far gone that, on the rare occasions when we indulge in King Crab, I’m as excited about the shells afterwards as about the meat. (The shells make great seafood stock.)

Bones in meat don’t bother me in the least, and I can deal with shrimp, deveined or not. Yum! Don’t like to eat the shells or their heads though.

My dad will not eat meat with a bone. Grew up on a farm too.

Give me a big bone in ribeye steak and I’ll chew on the bones to the exclusion of the rest of the meat (except the cap of course)

P.S. I’m female!


Same here @jackiecat! We call this “physical” or caveman eating at our casa. Very satisfying to us, and yes the cap to die for :cut_of_meat:

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I just had a bunch of crawfish and was happily chowing down, when I kind of looked down and realized that they too (of course) have that poop track. Never really think about it in lobster and crawfish. It didn’t stop me from eating them, it was more like a “oh yeah” moment.

And for all the people who don’t like the idea whole shrimp (not deveined), remember that those lovely white sand beaches that are super soft and that many people like to walk on is a good part made of parrot fish and sea slug/sea cucumber poop.

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