Food News in Houston 2024 (openings, closings, +

And a few more:

Houston’s New Restaurant Openings (

Local Foods + Mexican - something I’d like to try.

Longtime Rice Village restaurant Prego chooses to close instead of move (

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I know there’s one on Hilcroft and Woodway.

Voss @ San Felipe?? - one of the three I’ve been to - least favorite - typically the most crowded location and less friendly shoppers.

Nice to see you on the here Wifeacita.

It is a very busy area i shop at that Whole Foods scross the street but its been a while.

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Red Snapper Inn closes after 37 years of serving fresh seafood in Surfside (

Sorry to have to post this one, though I hadn’t been in years. One less reason to visit my old stomping grounds.


Kroger says new Houston Hispanic concept is success. So what happens next? (

Lookout Fiesta??? Does HEB still have only two Mi Tienda’s?

I have to admit I’ve only been inside 3 grocery stores in the last two years so I’m behind (and a Kroger wasn’t one of them) but I see those Menudo and Pozole ramen bowls and I’m gonna have to find some of that :smiley:.

Oh that is sad.

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Thst is very sad indeed.