Food for Canadian-Themed Party?

See, and my “Los Angeles” theme party would have street tacos, poke, Dodger Dogs, bacon wrapped street dogs, bulgogi, and ramen. :wink:


Okay, those too. But I don’t remember ramen or poke as something I ate growing up. I think it only began to be popular in the past ten years or less?

I’m with @Trockwood. Ask your coworkers that came up with that idea to suggest what they think should be on the menu.


I think it depends on the theme. Is it “food I ate while growing up in LA”? Or “food that represents LA to me”? Or “food that people associate with LA”? :wink:

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lolololol … seriously!!!


What this thread is telling me is Candians are trying to explain Canadian foodways to the rest of us, but we aren’t very good listeners.

You mention many dishes new to me. Gonna get my sorry US butt onto the innerwebs for a look-see.
Perhaps will re-read World of Wonders while enjoying a steamed hot dog.
But I shan’t re-visit Bob and Doug’s Great White North. (Ok, maybe after a second Molsen.)


So here is my take on this entire thread thus far. Foods can be adopted by any culture as their own, regardless of where they were originated. So if Canada want’s to claim pierogies as one of their cultures foods, have at it my northernly brethren. Let me demonstrate how exactly pierogies, or any foods, do actually become Canadian:

Europe: Pierogies!
Canada: Pierogies Eh?

America: Cheeseburger!
Canada: Cheeseburger Eh?

China: Egg Roll!
Canada: Egg Roll Eh?

Russia: Vodka!
Canada: Vodka Eh?

Australian: Throw some shrimp on the barbie!
Canada: Throw some shrimp on the barbie Eh?

See how easy that is!?!?!



content deleted

:joy: the unedited version
bear in mind I am childless

Don’t get too PC. I enjoyed the exchange and I have 2 wonderful kids.

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Hey, it’s national (in Canada) Cæser day!

But don’t worry. We won’t make a big deal cuz we’re Canadian.

And anyway, it’s probably not really Canadian since nothing is really Canadian.


Gotta say i’m ok if the fishy version of the bloody mary stays up north on the canadian side of the boarder… mexicans seem to use a lot of Clamato in various seafood dishes and seafood cocktails so maybe Ceasars are more popular there…?

I’ve never heard of ceasers in Mexico, but you can’t make a michelada without Clamato.

That’s what makes me think they would be into a Ceasar…

The following holds for a real Ontario style party, based on a number of these I have attended personally.

If it is winter, every one needs to wear pack boots and a toque.

In summer clothes are optional, especially at the lake, but bug spray for everyone is a must.

A big bonfire in the yard is essential to keep warm and deter bugs (even in winter). If it is raining don’t forget plenty of gas to get it started. If your party is successful be prepared for the lawn furniture to go on the fire.

Skinny dipping also happens in winter but then you have to keep your pack boots and toque on. You also need to double the wood for the fire. Best to add one of these to your shopping list:

For refreshments you will need the following.

1 20 oz. box of wheat crackers and some…

Back Bacon:

Smoked Lake Trout:

If you don’t have Lake Trout in your lake smoked Pickerel is acceptable substitute.

Moose Meatballs:

Recipe here:

One 2-4er of Labatts Blue per guest:

And several cases of Canadian Club, the 1.75 is preferred due to the handle which becomes necessary as the night goes on:

In terms of food to booze ratio for a real Canadian party if the party starts at 9:30pm you should plan so you run out of food at 10:15pm and booze around 3am.

Also it is advisable to check the Brewers Retail the afternoon of your party to see who else in town is buying big and follow them home. That way you can crash theirs if you run out.

Finally do not forget to include a couple of Newfies for entertainment:

If Newfies are not available in your area you could also show Red Green reruns:

Good Day!


Having pierogis as an optional side dish instead of home fries at a family restaurant or diner is a Canadian use of pierogis.
Also, the pierogi market in Canada has led to new fillings such as pizza, spinach and feta, jalapeño and cheddar, as well as bite-size pierogi .

I’m in a part of Canada right now where pierogi poutine is on quite a few menus.


Agree Smarties are originally British, but they are also a very Canadian candy. They are probably one of the top 5 chocolate candies sold in Canada. They’re made in a peanut-free factory so we hand them out at Halloween along with originally British, Canadian-made Aero , Caramilk, Mars and KitKat. I didn’t know KitKat was a Rowntree invention until 1 minute ago. Canada also makes its own Twix.

Out of Candy Bars, the main Mainstream invented in Canada Canadian bars are Sweet Marie (hard to find now), Crispy Crunch (a thinner bar similar to Butterfinger), Wunderbar (peanut butter and caramel with chocolate). I think Oh Henry and Mr Big are probably Canadian inventions. Cherry Blossom. I an probably leaving some out

Canadian Smarties were made in Canada by a Canadian subsidiary of Rowntree. Canadian Smarties look like British Smarties, and the packaging is similar but they taste different. The candy coating has more flavour in the UK, and different colours have different flavours. The chocolate in the UK Smartie tastes better to me. In Canada, regardless of the coating colour, all the Smarties taste the same.

Around 20 or 30 years ago, Rowntree stopped being a brand for chocolate in Canada. Rowntree branding is used in Canada on some fruit -flavoured candies.
Smarties are currently manufactured by Nestle in Canada.

British Smarties are imported to Canada, and sold at a higher cost than Domestic Smarties in some grocery stores and some British import shops.

Canada also has a Cadbury manufacturing plant, which was taken over by Mondelez. Canadian Dairy Milk did not and does not taste as good as British Dairy Milk. Our Quality Street is inferior as well.

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Smarties are a completely different animal in the US.

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Yes, aware. :slightly_smiling_face:

Those types of candies are called Rockets in Canada.

I’m pretty sure that the UK doesnt have any British owned major chocolate producers any more. As noted, Cadbury is now owned by American Mondelez, as is Green & Blacks. Rowntree is owned by the Swiss company Nestle.

We just don’t really make stuff any more. At a tangent, the biggest British owned car manufacturer is Morgan which makes about 1000 a year.

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