Flavoring Rice

There are low sodium broths and such available. Add garlic, saffron, you could fry some onion and add to the broth before cooking. I also make a pepper sauce that I’ll add to the broth before cooking. Flavored rices are some of my favorite things to make.


I just wanted to thank all of you for all the great suggestions.
It is very much appreciated.
I’m going to send down samples of these suggestions. Again, I have most of the spices mentioned in stock. I’ll see which ones my neighbor likes.


This, so much this.

If one wants to flavor rice, then the key is really to start with the liquid used to cook the rice.

Broth or stock (salted or unsalted) is a good starting point, other good options include:

  • Corn juice (the liquid you reserve from cooking down the corn cob, just the cob without the niblets)
  • Diluted V8 (2:1 ratio of V8 to water)
  • Tea (diluted 2:1 ratio)
  • Coffee (diluted 2:1 ratio)

And really if you wanted the ultimate in flavored rice, then go all in and make fried rice. :slight_smile:


I just thought garlic, not only for flavor, but I do believe garlic has some magical healing to it. Might be just poppycock…or fiddle faddle.

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