Figs, I want to grow some in nj

Nice! Some varieties in some climates have a “Breba” crop on last year’s wood. My Desert King does here in California, but only SOME years.

Also, I think they grow without summer irrigation in their natural habitat. I do water mine.

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My fig is absolutely covered in figs this year (I also have abandoned wrapping it). I’ll need to take a picture when I get back home. My dad gave me this fig years ago and of course now that it is starting to actually look really good and produce, we are moving. I debated putting something in the terms of the deal that I can come back and harvest… My mom took a few cuttings to grow a new one for me but that’s going to take years. I’m quite sentimental about the fig. I did listen to an old voicemail he left me at least 1-2 Easters ago saying that his fig had fruit on Easter so I know it has happened before (in NJ too).


So sorry to hear the the fig won’t be going with you to the new house. I bet the new owners will never notice if some is missing. Even if it never produces it will be a lovely tribute to your father.

I’ve convinced Mr Bean that we probably need to water the fig more than we have in the past. Of course this has led him to put together an elaborate “irrigation” system and necessitated about 5 trips (in one day) to the garden store.


Ha! They do LOVE WATER. The only summer I got a ton of figs was watering the absolute heck out of it. We also have sandy soil over there (bet you do too) and it drains really well.

I’m thinking I’m going to put in my letter to the new people that if they are at all thinking about removing the fig to call me. I’m sure digging it up and moving the full thing would be an absolute nightmare, but I might try it anyway.


EXCELLENT idea! We had a ‘family tree’ in our yard (a Japanese Maple), and my dad told the new owners why it had been planted, which I think was intended to instill some guilt so they’d keep it. (I like your idea better–it wasn’t an option for us.)


Same here! We have more figs than leaves! We’ve had this tree for about 5 years. We usually get a couple of figs at the end of fall and that’s it. We covered it one year and the resulting tree was no different than uncovered. Here’s hoping they mature enough to enjoy.


Not figs, but I was just discussing the GINORMOUS tulips and insanely large hydrangea bushes (ALREADY) at my place… I assume it has something to do with the cooler weather we’ve been having, but it’s just a guess–maybe the same for fig trees this year?


That sounds like a great idea. Is there any way you can divide the tree? We are getting lots of offshoots this year that may be propagatable.


WOW! We don’t have any where that many actual figs. We do have lots of leaves popping up on new stems.


I pruned the fig tree in late autumn, I put the cut branches in a pot with soil and forgot all about that. It became a new tree in spring, 2 years later, there were fruits. I haven’t tried doing the same in spring though, I guess special care to make sure the branches won’t dry out in the shade.


Yes, we have a whole tray of new shoots going now. Hopefully they will take and I’ll have a little fig farm!


The five trips to the garden center in one day made me laugh out loud! Because my husband got fixated on something and was determined to make it all work somehow! I hope that water delivery system is the best in town now, and yields lots of figs.


Whew, @seal wanted to bet me that someone would use the word propagatable on the NJ board this year. Luckily I didn’t take the bet as I am always impressed by the high level of discourse by our erudite members.


One would think it would be a system but ended up being a hose with a sprinkler attached. The problem was deciding which faucet to use and then figuring out how it needed to be modified. A’s is his favorite place.

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I wasn’t sure propagatable really was a word as it failed spell-check but decided to use it anyway. I was hoping everyone would assume it was even if it wasn’t.


Aha! I just love A’s! I can get what I need, and if I don’t know what I need, they can help me figure it out. Fingers crossed that more water will give you those elusive figs this year!

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As I said I unwrapped mine two weeks ago, looking good so far but not like yours, no figs yet!!

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Nice looking plant.

Here’s a shot of my fig today. Absolutely the largest figs I’ve ever had this early. Sorry for the crappy pic!


Those look beautiful. I thought I only had three figs but I found another one this morning.