Favorite New Recipes 2023

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I love lemon, garlic, chilies. My step mother can’t eat lemon, garlic, chilies. Makes it very difficult to plan a meal when she’s in town!




Hmmm…“what’s on their short list”? :thinking: It sounds depressing. Or maybe “frustrating” is a better way to think about it.


2023 wasn’t a great cooking year for me, so I hadn’t been able to think of anything I’d actually repeated besides my favorites from the cookbook Bavel, especially the buckwheat sourdough bread, but most of those I “discovered” in 2022.
The current NYC bagel thread made me realize that I did in fact repeat something many times this year: bagels! I’ve baked from, made cream cheese from, and made lox from Cathy Barrow’s book Bagels, Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish. I’ve used this book so often I wrote a thank-you email to the author, something I’ve never done before (though I probably should to Bryant Terry and Rachel Yang). I guess 2023 was better than I already remember it being. :slight_smile:


How about: And What Else Don’t You Like That You Haven’t Tried???


Wow. I think that would be grounds for divorce for me :joy: I positively love lemon, and tart dishes in general. Thank goodness my PIC and I are pretty much on the same culinary wave-length :sweat_smile:


There’s been seemingly a million threads like that, though. Or at least it feels like it. But a quick search revealed this fairly recent one. I’m sure there are similar ones, as they are chatty and therefore popular :wink:

And this even more recent one:

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What I like about the lemony bean stew recipe is that it has enough things we both like, and I’ve spent some time finessing. While we don’t agree on how long shrimp should be cooked, or the appeal of carbs like rice and bread, the rest of it ( my stash of stock, cooked beans, local citrus, frozen shrimp) works. Not sure how I would theme a thread like that, but I’m thinking about it.


Any estimates of the volume of leeks used in the lemony shrimp and beans? I think I will use onions and/or shallots since I have some.

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NVM. I see the recipe and comments regarding onion is and shallots.

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Ah, good. As I wrote I’ve never used the leeks in the dish, and it still comes out wonderfully just with the shallots. I use one medium, finely diced shallot.

Excellent. Instacart just brought me a net bag of shallots as big as my head! Now I have a way to use them up.


@shrinkrap As you, and I, and others who cook for folks with real or imaginary dislikes or limitations know intimately, it can be annoying, restrictive, creativity-killing, and lots of other adjectives worth :roll_eyes: to be dealing with constraints that are not our own, and may not even make any sense :rofl:

Very different to deal with “I don’t like / I won’t eat” than “my partner/child/parent/other will only eat / refuses to eat…”.

Then add on real or imagined allergies (or “sensitivities” – that’s a fun and vague one)… oh yeah, so much fun and flexibility… not!

I was somewhat picky as a kid, with the few things I didn’t like never forced on me, so I’m very accommodating of both dislikes and real issues on the part of others, but it doesn’t make it any easier!


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My ability to enjoy and even tolerate smoked foods/spices was slammed when I went through chemo and hasn’t returned. With our last bout of Covid, I lost my sense of taste for a few weeks and its recovery after 4 months is incomplete. I now find lemon, lime and raw onion predominate and overpower anything else if it’s in a meal. Picky eaters were always a source of frustration for me, but now here I am…


I’m getting over a case of thrush that made eating anything painful, but especially acidic and spicy foods. Guess what my favorite types of foods are?


Sorry to hear that. Not being able to enjoy food is a real bummer. Hope you recover your tolerance for lively meals. I’ve given up all hope of ever eating BBQ or smoked fish again. Oh - and bacon…