‘Extreme suffering’ central to culture of elite kitchens – study

Bc of the abuse, long hours, low pay, and menial work (unless you are highly ranked), I do wonder if many in the food industry are undocumented immigrants and ex-cons coming out of prison with no other choice?

My understanding is that the abuse is actually more common at high rank/elite restaurants, and less common with average restaurants. I think a lot of the abuses really comes from two things. First, a high pressure environment where there is a strong sense of excelling from the management. Second, a belief of “I cannot leave” from the workers. The truth is that… if it is relaxing environment or the workers think they can leave at any moment, then it is not easy to have an abusing environment.

This is also why I see far more abusement from elite graduate schools than regular schools, where the professors are often under high stress to be the best, and the graduate students feel this is their best chance and they feel they cannot “walk away” even with the abuse.
