EU - Berlin dining recommendations

Looking for some 2023 dining recommendations in Berlin. I will be there at the beginning of July 2023 (~July 3 - July 8). I’m primarily looking for good modern German restaurant recommendations. I would love regional (German - regional) restaurants in Berlin. I don’t mind hole in the wall or slightly off the beaten path places. I don’t want just the top 5 expensive restaurants. Looking for your favorite restaurants, less expensive to midrange rather than expense account places. Fish would be good, or not. I’m not looking for Chinese or Mexican restaurants in Berlin - sorry coming from San Francisco I have those here, and want something I can’t find here. Thank you for any suggestions.
At this point I’m contemplating O’Panama but…haven’t booked it yet.

I went to Panama just before the pandemic, and found it excellent. But as that is practically the sum total of my Berlin dining experience- it was a short business trip - take it for what it’s worth.

Probably best to ask the mods to transfer your thread to the appropriate forum (or repost there). The forum for Germany is “Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Rest of World”.

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@DeDonalds You can try to read other Berlin threads here.

I lived in Berlin for a couple of years & return every summer for several months. There are very good & not expensive German restaurants in Berlin. Public transport is excellent, but if you’ve booked a hotel already, and would prefer recommendations for the neighborhood you’ll be staying I can narrow it down/cater to your hood.

Berlin also has very good international food (altho Mexican, Viet & Chinese aren’t a forte), especially Turkish & Middle Eastern, Greek and Italian. In no particular order, these are my favorite places I return to at least once every summer without fail:


Renger-Patzsch (Southern German, excellent)
Henne Alt-Berliner Wirtshaus (no frills, 100 yr old business that pretty much only serves fried chicken. fried chicken you’ll dream of all year long)
Prater (gorgeous & oldest beer garden in Berlin, with low-key snack foods like brats, and also a good restaurant with very slow service)
PeterPaul (German tapas - really well done, small portions of German regional foods)
Felix Austria or Jolesch (Austrian if yer in the mood for schnitzel)

Adana Grill (Adana kebab is a must have, as is their appetizer platter - bring fellow eaters!)
Mardin (incredible stuffed mussels called midye, and aMAZing adana kebab)

Yarok (fantastic Syrian)

Rogacki is a Berlin institution & was also featured on the mediocre Berlin episode Bourdain did.

Steckerlfisch is a market stand at several weekly markets with Bavarian-style charcoal grilled fish. Whole trout, mackerel, zander, or just a filet. The owner (Jürgen) is a riot, plz say Hi if you choose to go.

Finally, you are likely inundated with all kinds of Asian/SE Asian food in SF, but the Thai community sets up a sizable food market every weekend at a park in the southwest of Berlin, and it is about as close as you’ll get to dining in Thailand. Laid back, picnic kind of atmosphere.

The most iconic dishes of Berlin are the currywurst & döner kebab. My favorite places for the former is Curry 36, and Imren or Pamfylia for döner, although any of Hasir’s branches are good as well.

Feel free to ask followup questions if you feel inclined - Berlin’s got a goodly number of great cocktail bars and wine bars, too, and many traditional beer pubs.

I would usually already be in Berlin this time of year, but health issues had me postpone :frowning:


Hope you’re recovering quickly and will soon be “over here”.


Thank you! I have been wracking my head trying to remember a restaurant I went to in Berlin about 10 years ago - It might have been Renger-Patzsch just might be it! Thank you for that and for all of your suggestions. Stecklerfisch sounds amazing and we’ll have to visit.
It looks like I may have found my post chowhound people at long last.
I hope your health improves and you can return
to Berlin again soon!


Thank you! Still hopeful to get there for the second half of July & August. Lots of moving parts.

If you are interested in any other recommendations, just holla :slight_smile:

Brilliant! Danke!

A post was split to a new topic: EU board

The cute wine bar with excellent food that I loved the most of the places I ate in Berlin (a few years before pandemic now) was Cordobar, now Cordo and Michelin has found them. But I’d definitely go back again, if I was in Berlin…

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Thank you!

We absolutely loved that place when it had just opened, and was a wine bar with fantastic small plates (maybe 2015 or some such?). The blood sausage “pizza” was a thing of wonder, and the wine menu glorious.

Have not been back since the revamp as a Michelin place.

Turns out I’ll be in Berlin starting July 5th :star_struck: :partying_face:

Have you made any dining choices yet?


@DeDonalds inquiring minds would like to know (well, probably just me) - where did you end up dining while in town?

@linguafood I’m a bit like a 17 year cicada, and gosh this is so overdue. Last year, in the end, we didn’t make it to Berlin - a bicycling accident (broken wrist in several places!) required surgery (and a plate!) and the cancellation of our “Germany segment”. This year we’ll still see our German friends, but our traavel will not bring us to Berlin. (Shäde, I know)

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OMG, I’m so sorry to hear that! What a major bummer on so many counts :frowning:

Where will you be hanging out this time?