Eating our way through Bow Market [Union Square, Somerville]

Crawled our way through Bow Market on Saturday and have the following eats to report:

  • Jaju pierogi- 3 were promptly consumed by the spring onion. A tiny bite of the potato and cheese one was good, as was the sauerkraut but I admit I’m not a huge pierogi fan, preferring my dumplings to be of the Asian varieties

  • Perilla’s bulgogi bowl- generous portion, added on a soft boiled egg. It felt sort of like having the whole complement of little dishes at a Korean place all mixed into one bowl, in a good way

  • Hotbox Roast Beef sandwich- luscious, flavorful beef. Not super rare, more of a nice medium pink, but worked well. Kind of pricey but included some decent fries.

  • Maca Macaron- again, scarfed by spring onion, also pricey @ $3 for a single macaron, but I feel that’s par for the course for macarons in general. Enhances their Frenchiness.

  • Gate come des filles- Hot chocolate- this was a winner- favorably compares to LA Burdick’s, which wrecked hot chocolate for me. Served with a large dollop of whipped cream on top for a nice contrast of cold cream with hot melted chocolate. Again, pricey at $8 per 8 oz cup but 2 can share- it’s that rich. They ideally would have a demi-tasse option with a 4 oz pour. And I would ideally want to pay $5 for it, but nobody asked me…

  • beers at Remnant- loved their list- there were 8 of 10 on tap that we wanted to try, and our tastes run to the funky and sour and rich, and we avoid hoppy beers generally. I had a porter with Berkshire coffee which was excellent, and my DC had a sour which was about as different as two beers could be and both fantastic in their own way. Everything is available in an 8oz pour which is perfect for us.

  • Rebel Rebel wine bar- this doesn’t really count, since I didn’t have any. My intention was to go here and ask for something natural and interesting, like a nice pet nat, because I’ve heard this is what they specialize in. But I would have wanted to talk with a bartender and get a recommendation and sit down and enjoy it, and the place was packed at 6pm on Saturday so I decided muscling my way in and yelling about wines was not the experience I wanted given the largely $14-16 per glass price tag. Another time.

I love this space and the energy it brings! We tasted some interesting stuff and will definitely be back for the hot chocolate and beers. Overall, it would be much cheaper to just get takeout somewhere- when we added up what we’d spent for 3 people for food in paper bowls, it was definitely not a cheap evening, but considering it was a whole adventure of being stationed at a table in the courtyard and sending various emissaries out to bring back more food every few minutes, well that counts for something. Actually, we also had to visit the little market shop and buy a yogurt for the spring onion who was somehow still hungry. Add another $2.50 for a tiny cup of yogurt. D’oh.


What a fun report!!


The Boston Globe had an article about Nibble Kitchen in Bow Market today:

Has anybody been? Here’s the current set of menus:

The offerings sound interesting, and I hope to have a chance to check out a couple of them.


Mr. N and I made it to Nibble Kitchen this past Friday for lunch. Nibble has a rotating cast of chefs, and Friday lunches are currently prepared by Afruza Akther from Bangladesh. The menu was short: 2 kati rolls (chicken or vegetable, both with the option of adding a crispy omelet), piaju (lentil / chickpea fritter), and ginger tea. When we arrived, the fillings were already made, so it took no time at all to get our order of 2 kati rolls.

I had the vegetable kati roll, which I enjoyed very much. The parata had a lovely flakey texture and was stuffed with a good mix of cooked vegetables and a bit of salad. The filling was not heavily spiced, but there were two sauces, kasundi (a delicious mustard sauce) and tamarind, that punched it up. When Chef Akther learned we’d never eaten Bengali food before, she gave us a couple of piaju to try as well; these reminded me of Indian pakoras and were fabulous.

The space is small, just a couple of counters and an open kitchen. It was very quiet when we were there; I really enjoyed the food and hope more people will go and support this place!