DTLA: LA Chapter in the Ace good for brunch?

Spending a few days strictly in the downtown area, going as far as Ktown. I’ve got the usual daytime suspects ticked off: Grand Central, Original Pantry, Coles+Varnish, Philippes. Old dark Mexican (t.b.d.) on Olvera one night. Ikura Oroshi Udon at Marugame Monzo another night, followed by dessert and drinks at Red Bird. Possibly Cicada Club for cocktails and dancing. Dinner at Orsa & Winston is on the burner too.

I’m just wondering if LA Chapter is worthy of a breakfast/brunch?

Similarly, I’m debating whether I should finally give in to nagging curiosities about The Prince on this trip – H.M.S. Bounty is a regular nightcap destination and I’ve always been tempted by the fried chicken and seafood/scallion pancakes in this swanky setting across the street… do it for the LA-only experience or skip the menu and order an overpriced drink instead before sinking back into the Bounty?

Lastly, what’s the scene at Broadway Bar and how do the cocktail classics hold up?

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Possibly too late, but did you cross post to Food Talk Central? That’s where a lot of the LA former Chowhounds have been posting.

Not too late and thanks for the tip; I’ll do that now!

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